Newbie from NC


New member
Hi everyone - My name is Kat, and I live on the eastern NC coast. In my rather traditional family, the women did the inside cooking and only the men were allowed access to the wonders of outdoor cooking.  As an adult, I have fought that repressive tradition as best I can. 

My husband is a city guy from Canada, with no experience grilling, smoking, or anything close.  He is happy to let me flex my cooking muscles, indoors or out.

We have discovered over the years that regular grilling doesn't really work for us.  We eat dinner rather late, and standing in the dark, peering at the grill with a flashlight, swatting the hordes of mosquitoes away is not as much fun as it might sound like, lol.

That brings us to my purchase of the Model #1. There are just two of us, and it should be a good size for us. I love the "set it and forget it" aspect.

I ordered the smoker, then told him about it. Turns out, he has NEVER had smoked food, of any kind. (wow, seriously?) He was dubious, but kept an open mind.

He lost that mind when he had our first meal from the smoker. - Just a simple whole chicken, no brine, but injected with a 50/50 mix of melted butter and chicken stock. He went nuts, and now keeps asking "are we smoking today?"

I am a newbie to this, but emboldened by my beginner's luck with the chicken. I might ask a lot of dumb questions, but I am trying to use the "search" function to avoid asking things already answered.

Thanks in advance for your help and patience!
Good choice on a smoker.  I use my #1 more and more instead of my #3 because of the smaller size is perfect for smaller cooks. (Trying to cut down intake, so make smaller batches now.)