Newb in trouble with 12lb butts


New member
My girl picked me up this 12 pound butt from costco. I have been cleaning the fat off for the past hour at leaSt with all my dull knifes. Turned out its 2 peices & I dont know what to do at this point. I don't have rope to tie them together. What do you suggest? Any help would be appreciated.


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not sure what smoker u have, cook them both at the same time.  I've cooked three at once. no need to tie them together!  put mustard on them, rub it all over the meat, lightly, put some rub on them, if you don't have a rub, use salt and pepper to your taste.  put them both in the smoker, if you have a #3, put them in the same rack towards the top of the. smoker.  use 2-3 oz of wood, maple, oak, hickory, what ever u like.  use a small bread pan and put about 2/3 full of water next to the fire box where u put the wood.  turn the temp to 225, use a meat probe to monitor the meat temp. if u don't have a meat probe to monitor, close the smoker door and check the butts at 12 hours, they will probably be at 165-175, use a good digital meat thermometer to check in the center of the meats.  u can switch rack positions if they are on different levels in the smoker. it will probably take 16-18 hours at 225 to reach 195. keep them in until both read 195 or a little more then pull them out, wrap them in foil separately and put them in a cooler or wrap in towels for about an hour or more. open them up and start pulling the meat with forks, two of them, ur done!  good luck and enjoy!

Costco only sells boneless butts (unfortunately).  So, you have two 6 lb butts.  They will not smoke like a larger bone-in Boston butt (sorry).  It would be good, if you had some butcher's twine to tie them up, but since you don't, don't sweat it.  Coat them in yellow mustard, and rub, and into the smoker they go.  I'd smoke them at 235, until they hit 190 internal temp.  Be sure to use a water pan, on the floor against the smoke box.

I would allow 2 hours/lb, so you're looking at around a 12 hour smoke.  Butts, under 7 lbs, tend to take longer, and so do boneless.  You have a bit of a "double-whammy" with this one...smaller butt, and boneless!

Endure to persevere!  Trust your probe to give you internal temp, and let it go (door unopened) until 190.  Take out, double-wrap in HD foil, and place in a cooler (ice chest), covered with towels, for at least an hour.  Should be great!

Pork butts are very forgiving....lots of internal fat, and hard to mess up! 
Thanks for the help! Got kind of overwhelmed last night. If I tie the 2 together with the twine Im guessing it cooks more evenly? Is the twine a product sold at box stores or maybe just ask a meat dept for some?
I don't tie my boneless butts.  They cook just fine.  Do all the standard pork butt prep of brining, rubbing, etc... and put in the smoker.  It will turnout great.  I typically smoke one and freeze the other for a future smoke.
Turned out great just as you guys said. I had time to burn so I smoked at 200F for 19 hours to get an IT of 193. Double foiled & in cooler for 3 hours. Amazing is the best way to put it. Thank you!
DivotMaker said:

Costco only sells boneless butts (unfortunately).  So, you have two 6 lb butts.  They will not smoke like a larger bone-in Boston butt (sorry).  It would be good, if you had some butcher's twine to tie them up, but since you don't, don't sweat it.  Coat them in yellow mustard, and rub, and into the smoker they go.  I'd smoke them at 235, until they hit 190 internal temp.  Be sure to use a water pan, on the floor against the smoke box.

I would allow 2 hours/lb, so you're looking at around a 12 hour smoke.  Butts, under 7 lbs, tend to take longer, and so do boneless.  You have a bit of a "double-whammy" with this one...smaller butt, and boneless!

Endure to persevere!  Trust your probe to give you internal temp, and let it go (door unopened) until 190.  Take out, double-wrap in HD foil, and place in a cooler (ice chest), covered with towels, for at least an hour.  Should be great!

Pork butts are very forgiving....lots of internal fat, and hard to mess up!

OMG. . .I got lost in your comments the minute I read, "Endure to persevere."  I recall in the movie, "Josey Wales" that Chief Dan George  said, "Endeaver to persevere" to Clint Eastwood.  That is not one of my favorite movies but my husband watches it over and over, and I really liked that particular part.
The Outlaw Josey Wales is my all time favorite western movie! There are so many quotable lines in that movie. Endeavor to persevere is is the most ironic of all of them in that the the politician ? president said that to him before he sent the Indians to the reservation. I always liked Josey's line when he said " dyin ain't much of a livin boy"