New Years Ribs


New member
Happy New Year all! As of 12:25EST, 3 racks of ribs are in the #2 after dry salt brine in fridge overnight, and then 3 hrs of Memphis rub in fridge this AM.  The new Maverick will be used to monitor SI#2 temp today which is set for ~ 240F.  As of 12:39 EST temp was climbing and at 99F.  Outside ambient temp here in southern Ontario feels like 18F currently.  I'm using the top 3 shelves and positioned probe off the middle of those racks.  Daughter is home from university so this will be her 1st ribs from the SI  ;) 
The ribs were very good  ;) Unfortunately I didn't take photos this time, but everyone enjoyed the ribs and leftovers will be consumed very shortly here tonight  :)  I pulled them around 18:05EST so ~ 5.5 hr total cook time, and after a quick removal for saucing around 17:20.  I used 3.9 oz of cherry wood and white wine was used in a foil bowl next to the wood box.  I spent some time documenting the SI#2 temp through the cook with the new Maverick because I've been unaware of my SI temp. performance, and due to my observations on a recent wild turkey breast smoke (posed under "The Middle Kid").  I will post those observations soon. 
As per above posts I mentioned I would post temperatures recorded in SI#2 during smoke using the new Maverick.

In brief, the smoke started at 1225PM and SI#2 was set for 240F.  Temperatures were recorded climbing and at 209PM (1 hr 50 min. in) the highest temp recorded had been 217F.  At 211PM SI#2 was set to 250F.  Temperatures bounced around between 225F and a high of 235F reached at 517PM.  Door was opened at 520PM (5 hr. in) for saucing the ribs.  The ribs went back in at 528PM with SI set at 235F.  By 532PM I bumped SI up to 250F and at 6PM I pulled ribs; the Maverick temp was reading 174F at that time.