New to the SI Family with a 2D


New member
My day job is mechanical engineering, so I tend to analyze things a bit much (my wife will attest that it’s a bit more than “a bit”).  I want/expect products to last, companies to provide customer service, and I don't mind paying more to get those levels, but they had better deliver.  I’d rather buy once for years and years of use, than buy every couple of years to replace failing products.

After spending hours and hours researching, looking at all the big-name brands and ultimately being overwhelmingly disappointing by what I was finding, I came across Smokin-It.  After reviewing the products, reading countless reviews, and then finding this forum and the forum members… I am sold.  If the product and SI family is what it sure seems to be… I know I’ll be a Smokin-It fan for life!

Ordered my 2D Friday at about 7 pm and received notification this morning that it's already shipping and should be here Thursday.  Guess who’s smoking this weekend!?!

Little about me… Small time backyard griller, who’s done a bit of smoking in the past with a vertical charcoal unit.  Excited to try the world of electric, as I have a feeling that “Lazy Q” will have me doing a lot more smoking!  Husband and father of one grown son.  Mechanical engineer, focused on commercial HVAC and plumbing.  Scuba instructor and all-around water lover.  Owner of a ’61 International Scout.
Welcome, Chris from chilly North Dakota! ;)

You are going to love your 2D, and you are a step ahead already by finding one of the best smoking sites on the Internet.
Welcome! Nothing better than smoking more because it’s so easy to do with these great smokers!

Enjoy and post pics whenever you can!
Welcome, and Congrats, Chris!!!  You are in for a great adventure, and will become the local Pit Master in no time!  Let me also congratulate you on a really great introduction!  For all the new folks coming in, that's the kind of intro we love to read!

We're here to help with your questions, no matter how small they may seem.  Welcome to the SI family! 8)
Welcome Chris from Texas! Your in for some treats and You will enjoy the lazy Q Smokin-it world for sure.
Welcome Chris. I also got my feet wet with a vertical charcoal smoker. You will enjoy the simplicity and consistency of your 2D. Should be year-round smoking in Arizona!
Another welcome from Georgia! You will love your new smoker. A pork shoulder would be a good choice for a first smoke.
Howdy Chris .... a '61 International Scout ... in my book says your "all right".

You'll find that you smoke more often and in all kinds of weather with better more consistent results with the 2D


John n'Texas
Well... Seasoned, and the first smoke was an amazing success!  First run was a shoulder, which I ran to 175, then held for an hour at a reduced box temp of 130, rested for another hour, and then sliced.  Incredible!!!  Have to say, that was some of the best shoulder I've ever had, and without a doubt, the easiest I've ever done!  Beyond happy, beyond full, and beyond a Smokin-It customer for life!  Thanks to all that have posted, as I did a ton of browsing before I started, and the information was extremely helpful.


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It is awesome to hear that your first smoke was a success!

I love Sliced Pork Shoulder and forget to do it sometimes. I especially love the depth of flavor that you get in the leftovers after the smoke and flavors have a chance to neutralize.