New to the #2 family


New member
Hello everyone! My name is Richard from northwest Indiana and after much research I finally pulled the trigger and purchased the #2 smoker. So far I'm quite pleased with it but as my first smoker I've owned So i don't have a lot of experience to fall back on. I purchased it in April and I've done ribs, a 10# butt, some chicken drumsticks and the bacon explosion. I've been keeping a pretty detailed smoker diary so I know what I have to tweak to make it better I'm enjoying everything so far and thanks to everyone's ideas on this forum! I lurked on here for some time before I finally bought my #2
Welcome aboard. For those interested in Bacon Explosion, here is a recipe.
Oh, Thanks. We have them on the forum, but called "Fatties". I think Bacon Explosion is a name that is easier to sell to skeptical friends. I've made them.  They're great.