New to Smokin-It


New member
Hi all. I am in the market for a new smoker and Smokin-It looks like the way to go. I have been through several other brands through the years and most recently have gotten tired of the door falling off my BDS. thought I'd join the forum and ask a few questions.
Welcome from SE Arizona. You have come to the right place for the best value in an all stainless steel electric smoker.
If your most recent smoker was a drum smoker, then you would be pretty happy with the ease and quality of the SI. It's the smoker we all end up with once we've tried others, and the appeal over fussing, tending, spritzing and mopping has worn off. And the quality of the food is top-notch. Simple to use does not mean mediocre food. Do you have any experience with electric smokers? The SI is the best quality, at a great price, especially if you compare it to similar electric smokers which are up to twice the price, and lower quality.
Welcome Tat2d...  ask away! 

I love my SI and recommend it constantly unless you're still wanting to fiddle with the smoker constantly (picking up the door aside).  The SI will be the most 'boring' smoker you've ever had, probably.  You pretty much only ever open the door twice; once to put stuff in and once to take smoked stuff out.

I don't think you'll be having the door fall off anytime soon, either.  Of course, if it somehow happens in the first three years then you're covered by warranty.  :)
I agree with the above comments of Larry and Kari. I did extensive research on smokers before purchasing my SI2. I chose SI because of the great reviews from the owners on this forum and the ability to replace the burner if it fails. I love the quality and ease of use and have been very happy with my decision.
Welcome from Texas! I gave away a perfectly good offset smoker to my neighbors son in law because I never used it anymore because my #3 is so easy to use in comparison. The food is great too. By all means comparison shop, I did the same thing but no one else was close. Add in this forum and you can't go wrong.
Thanks for the warm welcome!

My intro to smoking was 30 years ago when I was butchering for a small shop using a gas fired pellet smoker. At home I have been through a number of charcoal and electric smokers over the years and have never really been happy with the quality. For the past 6 or so I have been using a 6 rack BDS with good results but the reliability of the electronics is poor and the door is now held on with a bungee cord. Too many times I've set up for a smoke only to get an error code form the controller. Luckily I'm pretty good with electronics so I have been able to fix it each time and move on, but it's aggravating. Also hate that I have to cut packer briskets into 2 pieces to fit. I have definitely become spoiled by the set and forget method so an SI #3 with a controller or a #3D will be my next smoker!
Tat2d said:
Thanks for the warm welcome!

My intro to smoking was 30 years ago when I was butchering for a small shop using a gas fired pellet smoker. At home I have been through a number of charcoal and electric smokers over the years and have never really been happy with the quality. For the past 6 or so I have been using a 6 rack BDS with good results but the reliability of the electronics is poor and the door is now held on with a bungee cord. Too many times I've set up for a smoke only to get an error code form the controller. Luckily I'm pretty good with electronics so I have been able to fix it each time and move on, but it's aggravating. Also hate that I have to cut packer briskets into 2 pieces to fit. I have definitely become spoiled by the set and forget method so an SI #3 with a controller or a #3D will be my next smoker!

Oh...a Bradley Digital Smoker. I though you meant a Big Drum Smoker.:o Just the freedom to buy your own real wood chunks, rather than those pucks will be worth it alone. Plus you'll be impressed with the ALL stainless steel, and solidness of the build compared to the Bradley. The SI will be the last smoker you buy.