New Model 2 (Analog) won’t go over 150


New member
Question, as I have tried it a few times with bricks (inside) and it starts ok but then after a few hours with meat in it I can’t get the temp over 150, no matter what I do.  Obviously, it clicks on initially, and I can set temperature fine (usually start around 200) but then it won’t even click on if I dial it back to zero and slowly dial all the way up to max again.  I don’t understand this; is it possibly a thermostat issue? 

Background; have had this about a month, smoked a chicken/pork butt but nothing else as I have to finish in the oven since I can’t get it to stay over 150.  I assume it must be something simple since it clicks on initially, and the heating element works since it can take it up pretty quickly to around 200.  (Temp verified from probe dangling from vent at top, using two thermometers, and also with meat probes of course).   

I’d think, if it is at 150 inside, and I drag the dial up to 225/max, it would kick the light on and warm up further.  I love the simplicity of the design just not sure if I am missing something should ask about a replacement part/component etc.  Thx. 
I suspect Dave is right, but wanted to ask if you tried to adjust the knob as described in the instructions.  It could be that you're not truly asking it to get over 150.
This may sound really stupid (it does to me) but is it remotely possible that the meat you are cooking is touching the box probe? Otherwise, shoot Steve an email and see what he can do for you.
So, my Model 2 still won’t heat past 170 or so after an hour.  It starts hot but then just seems to stop.  This is pretty maddening as I can’t get the light to even come on even though the temperature is never hitting 200, or even 180.  Does anyone have any advice as to how to remedy this?
Without more information, I would guess your thermostat is bad also. You didn't tell us if it always has never gotten to temp, is the smoker new? Does the element glow red when you turn it on?
arj9084 said:
So, my Model 2 still won’t heat past 170 or so after an hour.  It starts hot but then just seems to stop.  This is pretty maddening as I can’t get the light to even come on even though the temperature is never hitting 200, or even 180.  Does anyone have any advice as to how to remedy this?
Your element should glow a nice bright even reddish/orange.  Dead spots will be gray or black. I am enclosing a link regarding heating element testing.  It may or may not help.  You mentioned this in DEC 21 so if it is still under warranty, your best option is to contact Steve, which I recommended 2 months ago.
Thanks all, I did speak with Steve in December, and he wanted me to try it again, which I did finally (not smoking much due to the price of meat).  It got hot initially but then failed to ever crest 150-160 or so.  I am going to look around for how to adjust the thermostat, as I have to turn it halfway up just to get it to click on, which is odd, but then it won’t turn the light on at all after about an hour until it is around 150 so I do think it’s the thermostat, not the element, though I will check that as well. 

Thx again. 
The following may help if you have not seen them yet.  Good luck.