New Guy from MN


New member
New SI owner here, so I figured I'd introduce myself. I'm Tom from MN and my 3D just arrived on Saturday. I got it all set up and did the initial seasoning that weekend.

I've been looking at getting an electric smoker for awhile now, but I wanted to make the right decision on the one for me. I've got a barrel-style smoker that I've used for years, but I wanted something else for those times I don't want to constantly attend to the temperature.

My cousin has a Cookshack and it makes some great BBQ, but I wanted something a bit bigger than the model he had, and the price on the larger one was more than I was willing to swing. So looking for competitors I came across the SmokinTex and Smokin-It models. I quickly decided that Smokin-It was the one after doing some comparisons. It has the build quality I wanted along with a price I was willing to spend. The thing is built like a tank; I'm sure it will outlast me.

So, my first smoke is going to be this upcoming weekend. St. Louis-style ribs are on the menu since I've got a couple racks in the freezer. So my plan is 235 for around 5-6 hours with either some either some hickory or apple wood, and of course I decent rub. Looking forward to testing it out.

Welcome to the forum, Tom! Good to see fellow MN resident aboard. Congrats on your purchase and best of luck on your inaugural smoke with the 3D!
Welcome to the family, Tom!  Let us know how it goes for you.  It's not going to get any easier...  you can say goodbye to tending fire/temperature, wrapping, etc.  :)
Welcome Tom, I know you'll like the #3.  I can recommend Meathead's Memphis Dust (recipe from Amazing Ribs) for a rub you can make yourself.  Best thing about it is it doesn't contain salt, so you add salt to your taste.
Welcome from the Land of Enchantment!

Your story is exactly how I went about getting a Smokin-It. Saw the CookShack, was too small, then too expensive... research research research and I’ve had a 3D for 3.5 years now and love it.

Enjoy the life of lazy Q!
Thanks for the welcome guys!

I did my first smoke on it this past weekend. Sorry no pics. I'll try to remember next time.

I smoked to racks of St. Louis cut ribs. I ended up making some Memphis Dust for the rub. Smoked them at 235F for 5 1/2 hrs using 2 1/2oz of apple wood. They really should have went for another hour or so, but the family was getting hungry. They turned out pretty good, but could have used an extra hour to get a bit more tender.

I really should have started earlier. Another thing I forgot to do was remove the silver skin; I completely forgot about it. I've always had better luck smoking baby back ribs; it's probably a time thing. I just gotta smoke more SLC ribs to get better at it  :D

All in all it was a good experience and super easy. I just have to dial in my process a bit better next time.

Sounds like it was a successful smoke and you already have fodder for your next attempt.  Fortunately, these smokers are really, really forgiving so it's pretty rare that you end up with something inedible.