New 4D owner

Joe C

New member
Hi Everyone,
I am the proud owner of a 4D. I picked it up from the Fed Ex depot this morning and it is seasoning now. So far, so good. I raise 10 - 12 hogs per year and butcher them here and make my own bacon and ham. Up until now I have been mostly cold smoking with an AMNTS and AMNPS in a plywood smoker I built. I bought the 4D so I could hot smoke instead. We also love regular old BBQ and will be using the 4D to make plenty of it. I have some pork chops thawing now for my initial cook. I'm looking forward to discussing all aspects of smoking with all of you. I am totally into it!
Joe, Welcome from Southwest Arkansas! Great choice, the 4D should handle anything you want to do.
Hi Joe, and welcome from the Florida Keys. I'm impressed by your family's meat consumption-a fifth of a hog a week-or do you sell or give away much of it? Anyway great forum here, lots of helpful, knowledgeable folks.
Well Limey, sometimes I think I could eat all of the bacon myself however I do end up selling most of the pork. Until recently I was selling 1/2 and 1/4 hogs only (with the cured parts cold smoked) but now I am also selling individual cuts of uncured meat and sausage. If I hot smoke then the powers that be will let me sell individual packages of bacon and ham as well.