New #2 from Pittsburgh, PA


New member
Been smoking the past two years the poor man way, on my CharBroil gas grill, indirect heat, with a smoker box and water pan. Turned out some good briskets and pork shoulders, but required way too much attention, so ended up not smoking nearly as often as I wanted.

A few weeks ago I started researching more on the electric smokers and almost pulled the trigger on a MES, but then started reading the horror stories about controllers going bad and saw several reviews say they wish they had just spent the extra money on a Smokin-It, so I came here and started reading up.

After talking to the wife, I placed an order for a #2. According to UPS, it's showing up tomorrow. Just enough time to season it and get at least one practice run in before smoking something for a Steeler party on Sunday.

Welcome from ND!

You have made a wise decision going with the Smokin-It.

You will quickly find that we have a very active community here (one of the best out there) that is ready and willing to answer any questions that you have.

There are a lot of great recipes in the recipes section for virtually everything you could/would put into your smoker.

Let us know if you have any questions.
Welcome, you have found the right place!  I too read of the horror stories with the MES, and was so lucky to have found the SI web site before pulling the trigger.  You will absolutely enjoy the SI #2 - I have mine smoking away most weekends, and sometimes during the week!  Enjoy the forum, and keep us posted when you do your first smoke.  Cheers
Welcome to the family, Jason!  You'll find yourself using this SO much more than your old poor-man's methods!  I was very much the same way (except for a brief stint with a Brinkman R2D2 charcoal smoker, which was a real nightmare).  I would only smoke something a couple of times a year.  Once I entered the world of Lazy Q, with a Smokin-It smoker, I couldn't believe what I'd been missing!

You'll love the ease of use, easy setup and clean, and the minimal "human intervention" required to make some really stellar Q!  Instead of the process of cooking, you can now focus on the prep of the meat, the wood selection (much more true smoke flavor, when not competing with the heat source), and refining your recipes.  Shoot, the prep in the kitchen is the hardest part of using these!  If I could figure out a way to Lazy Q that part (other than have the wife do it), I'd really be set! 8)

Let us know how we can help - that's how we roll around here!