New #2 - First Pork Butt


New member
Here is a sneak peek of the first smoke with my #2, it is a 7.87lb pork butt.  I read way too many books and visited too many forums so I decided to go with a very basic dry rub for the first pulled pork smoke.  For wood I have 6 ounces of Apple and a small piece of Post Oak. 

I only peeked once at 12:30 to insert the probe, that’s my excuse...

I got a late start at 8am...
Cold smoker, Butt on, set dial to 225'F
First signs of smoke at 8:15am
Checked every the temp every hour and it was between 223-232'F
At 12:30 I opened up the smoker to insert my temperature probe and give the butt a spray of cider vinegar.
All looked good and there was just a small amount of wood left after four hours.
12:40 internal temperature was 145'F
01:30 internal temp was 155'F

Thanks Stephen!!!


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Ha Ha... Thanks DivotMaker.  I am patiently waiting for it to hit 200!!!  Considering I started at 8am I’m on schedule and I don’t want to make a rookie mistake.  Good thing I wasn’t having it for dinner or we would have been eating pizza.  Almost done.
Thought you'd like that one! ;)  Funny thing about pork butts - I have some that are done in a little over 1 hr per pound, and some that take at least 1 1/2 hrs per pound!  All depends (so I hear) on the muscle density, amount of internal fat, and amount of connective tissue.  You just never can predict exactly how long it will take!
Congrats on great first smoke.  That pork butt looks good.  Are you making your own sauce, if so give DM's recipe a try, it is amazingly good.  You won't be disappointed.  I would recommend that you tone down on the cayenne pepper and add to taste to your liking.
Smokster said:
Congrats on great first smoke.  That pork butt looks good.  Are you making your own sauce, if so give DM's recipe a try, it is amazingly good.  You won't be disappointed.  I would recommend that you tone down on the cayenne pepper and add to taste to your liking.

Aw, shucks, Tony!  Thanks, again, for the kind words on the sauce!
Our newest members have to be made aware of all that is good on this site.  Besides, that sauce is my personal favourites.  I even use it to baste my ribs.
Sorry for the delay in following up with pictures,  you know the story... work.

The first butt was amazing, if you could only lick the computer screen.  Total time was 13 1/2 hours @225'F, 12 1/2 for the smoke and 1 hour for the rest.  I removed the butt at 203F and wrapped it up to rest.  It didn't last long and as I type this there is another 9lb butt in the smoker.  What a great experience first time around.  Smokin-it #2 is truly a quality smoker!!!

Next on the list for this weekend is the 9lb butt that is smoking and a fatty for Sunday.



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Looks fantastic, Dana!  Nothing like the fruits of your labor being so successful on the first attempt!  If more people only knew how easy it is to make such good Q with so little effort!! ;)
Good looking butt, no pun intended.  Your second butt will even be better because you will twick your method.  One thing I have found helpful, is I take notes during the entire smoking process.