Never smoked anything but my brain before, now it's time to try meat instead!


New member
Hey everyone,

Just purchased a 2D last night and am eagerly waiting for it to arrive already. I have no experience in this hobby, but I like to buy once and cry once. The 2D seems perfect for my family's size, the durability looks stellar as well. I think this will be a perfect companion to my propane grill, rather than getting a pellet grill that isn't quite a grill or a smoker. I admit that I almost purchased the Traeger.

My goals this year for 2021 will be:
to smoke once per week and to really perfect the Texas style brisket
to make a steady supply of smoked pork belly for our home's needs
to try new cuts of meat I've never had smoked, like a rib roast or lamb.

I look forward to learning from others on this forum.
Welcome from Delaware -- you have found the right place!  Like you, I started out with no experience in smoking meat and it only took one smoke to hit the ground running!  Neighbors/friends rave about the quality of smoked meat produced by the SI, and I just enjoy the land of Lazy-Q.  Enjoy!
Welcome from SW Missouri. You have made a great choice purchasing a quality smoker from a great company. This forum will definitely help you navigate the learning process with great advice from some fine folks who are happy to help. I’m sure you will enjoy your new smoker.
Hey there! I just joined as well and have precisely the same goals as you haha! Smoking meat or cheese(look up cold smoking) is a surefire way to make everyone you feed refer to you as an amazing chef! As an example I cut up 7lbs of smoked cheese & crackers last year for xmas (25 people). The cheese was gone in under an hour! This year I got chz on sale and smoked 15lb as xmas gifts. Everyone I gave it to said something to the effect of "we were so bummed we weren't going to get to eat that smoked cheese this year because covid"

Definitely take a picture next to your first piece of smoked food as a sort of trophy for yourself haha

Welcome to a friendly community
