Need Troubleshooting Tips

Mrs C

New member
Hey All,
We have a 4D and yesterday while trying to make venison Jerky it would not control the temp.  I had set it to 165 degrees, but the temp kept rising.  It has always been spot on before so thought maybe a wood problem so we removed all the wood, made sure the wood box was seated properly and the lid was closed and it still kept going up to the point we started opening the door to cool it down.  We are going to clean the inside temp probe and other than that does anyone have any other ideas.  Also when and why would you ever need to auto tune and when and why would you ever need to reset the PID controller?  I love the smoker, but the manual just does not give enough detail on when and why.  I read the FAQ and other than making sure the probe was clean and not touching any metal I saw no info on a rising temp.  I believe I programed it properly and just last week it worked fine using the preprogrammed P-1 setting.  We had four racks of Jerky that we placed on Parchment Paper that left a one inch gap on each side of the racks. I doubt if this would cause the temp to rise as I smoke pork butts on metal cookie sheets all the time without any problems. Would a dirty probe make the temp rise?  I could see a dirty probe making the temp not rise. If I have to do a factory rest to the PID will it erase all of the 8 preprogramed options that came installed on the smoker or just the ones I made? It's possible I programed C-1 and failed to record it and forgot about it, but how do I check to see if I did and if so how do I remove it?  Please let me know your tips or where to start.  Thanks!
I can’t help with the PID, I have a digital model, but I haven’t had to do any tuning.

But, when you clean your temp probe, also check That the burner Is clean. I’m sure it is, but just to make sure.
Here is a link for the auto tune procedure.  These procedures were written for the Auber controller; same company that makes the D and the WiFi controller so the instructions are ok.  It is possible that at some point you did not enter an end temp so the temp keeps rising. I would give Steve a call or send an email and ask for the FACTORY PID parameters for the #4 that you have, if necessary. The first two links shows PID parameters for the 2, 3, and 4. The third link is a lot of info regarding auto tune. I hope some of this helps.
Thanks for all the info links, I will definitely check them out!  We think we have gotten it straighten out.  We are unsure what was the cause as the internal thermometer appeared to be very clean and no residue on the element. (On our 4D the thermometer is mounted on the inside top of the smoker with a guard around it.)  After a good vacuuming of the loose residue and replacing new foil on the bottom and wood box lid we tried it again without any food or wood.  It worked like a charm maintaining the internal temperature.  It's a mystery to us as to what was wrong as I used the exact same programming steps as I had before so I really don't believe it was a programming error.  I guess somethings just aren't meant to be known.....  I appreciate your input!
I don't do digital so I am no help there. Although it sounds like you resolved it. I do however make some killer jerky.

I am wondering about the use of parchment paper. if they are slices putting it directly on the rack works great. If you are suing a ground product from a gun, squirt it out directly on the rack in very long strips. If you are using the fancy grinder attachment that makes strips of meat on paper; invert the paper putting the meat on the rack and lifting away the paper.

100 is my target temp, with a jerky fan to clear out the moist air. 165 doesn't  sound terribly hot but it makes for a different product than the lower heat. Be sure to use cure #1 for food safety