My take on pit beef sandwiches


New member
Hey all!!! It’s been a while since I posted something but I made theses tonight and figured I’d share....I got a 4.5lb chucky Im very lucky and I have a small family meat market right by my house and can get whatever I want and the quality is awesome. Anyway I injected with about a cup of beef broth and let it sit over night in the fridge. About 3:30am pulled it out did a salt and pepper garlic powder rub and on the smoker it went. Used 3 oz of hickory and a water pan with water. Wrapped it at about 160degrees cuz chuck’s tend to dry out a little and put more beef broth and some butter in the foil and back in it went until 205 prolly about 10-10.5 hours at 225. Let it rest until dinner time prolly about 5-6 hours and about an hour before dinner cut up two large onions and caramelized them on cast iron skillet with some w sauce and butter. Unwrapped beef and pulled it and dumped the caramelized onions in and served on local bakery rolls with a home made A1 horseradish cream sauce. For the cream sauce I put A1 and Mayo and horseradish sauce and mixed put a little fresh cracked pepper also it’s awesome. Anyway here’s a pick of the pulled beef with the onions in the serving dish! It was awesome and I highly recommend giving this a go.


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That is just outstanding! Well done!

And thank you for sharing the process! Appreciate it. I have a chunky in the freezer that may just need to become pit beef!
It’s awesome and I highly recommend the sauce with it as well! Also I’ve had lots of luck with chuck’s so if anyone has any questions about how to do it in these awesome smokers please let me know.