My second effort at ribs


New member
This time I had fresh spare ribs weighing 3.90lb, almost 2X the weight of my first ones which had been frozen.  On Friday night I applied mustard and my rub and placed in the frig overnight.  On Sat., I placed them in my 2D at 12:30 with 3 oz. hickory and a container of apple juice.  I decided to check them at 4 hrs.  They looked done; the toothpick test came out clean; and the meat had pulled away from the bone.  Thinking I must not be right, I left them in for 30 min. and again they really looked done.  Since I had company coming at 5:30, I waited and took them out then, and they were a little too done I thought.  So, I think I should have followed the test results and taken them out at 4:30.  They were, nevertheless, very good.  This is the 2nd time, my ribs have been done at 4-4 1/2 hrs.  Why would my results be so inconsistent with the results noted by the majority of forum members?  Call me puzzled!
What temp are you smoking at? 225 vs 250 could affect the overall time fairly significantly.

Were they spare ribs (also called "side ribs" and different cuts can be St. Louis style or Kansas City style)? Or are they baby backs (also called "back ribs" or "loin ribs"). Cooking time can vary between the cuts, not so much because of the overall weight, but because of the time it takes to break down the connective tissue due to the location on the animal.
These were most definitely spare ribs, and I smoked them at 235.  I prefer the spare ribs to the St. Louis.  I did nothing other than remove the silver skin.  I'll smoke my next ribs at 225 and compare.
A lot of people will tell you 235 here. I have tried 225 and 235, and my 225 ribs took a little bit longer but the results were better. I only tried 235 once, so it could have been a fluke that they didn't turn out as well, but for me I'll stick with 225 and adjust my start times accordingly.
Yeah, everyone's tastes are different. So, the only way to find out what is best for you is to try both ways.

I am curious to see what you think after trying both ways.