My loins are smoking

40 caliber

New member
OK, I got motivated by this post and I am now smoking my first 4.6 LB boneless pork loin.  it is my maiden voyage of my 3D (I've had a SI2 for about 6 months.  The temp is holding rock steady at +/- 2 degrees on the box @ 225. the meat is up to 136. I have a Maverick temp in the box and meat and they are close enough.

Using DM's Pork loin brine (without the instacure but ordered some today) I sat it in the brine for 24 hours. pulled the loin and patted dry. it seemed to have a lot of fat on the bottom. I trimmed of some but  left a thin layer and put in the 3D fat down. (I have read numerous opinions on this).

It is  in the smoker and on its way! pics and results later!

Sounds great! Use any seasoning? What kinda wood ya using?
I was meijer today and was looking at the Pork lion and licking my lips but I'm smoking a fatty tomorrow and making seafood gumbo.
I used 3.6 ounces. of wood. It was half hickory and half apple. I love hickory ad can't say no to it but  this one was screaming for apple. DM always uses less wood. Is that because you are using smokinlicous and I am using big box stores? I don't get the flavor with mine if I use less. do you think it is the moisture content?

Anyway. the 3D did a great job. the Maverick 733 started showing 10 degrees warmer (box temp) and 9 degrees warmer (meat).  when I got to 151 (3D) and 160 maverick , I took the average and pulled it LOL.

the end was a little dry but the rest was juicy. I had trimmed some fat from the bottom but I guess not enough.  I still had some pink meat on the bottom insulated from the fat. back in for another 30 minutes (wrapped in foil this time and done!)

next time I will just trust the 3D temp probe. it probably would have addressed it.  DM's Brine is awesome and did the trick. I also used Killer hogs rub which gave it a sweet taste with the brown sugar. This one was a winner!  I will say loin is very good but not my favorite.  I guess I am more of  a fan of a nice sweet butt  ;D

BTW if someone can teach me how to have my phone pics stop doing head stands, I would appreciate it


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Tom, looks great!

Two recommendations for whole pork loin:  First, do a "reverse sear" on it, right out of the smoker.  It doesn't get hot enough to give it a good bark/crusty exterior.  You can do this on a hot grill, or a 500°+ oven for about 5 minutes (just watch it).  Secondly, get a good Granton-edge carving knife.  Pork loin is great thin-sliced for sandwiches (best pork sammies, ever).  I have the 12" Victorinox Granton Edge Slicing Knife and love it.  Holds a great edge, and makes great slices!  Granton edge knives have little dimples ground into each side of the blade to trap and move liquid during the slice.  Amazon has these for $55.  Makes really easy work on getting great slices on tender brisket, too!

That's the beauty of pork loin, over butts (imo)....very lean, tender, moist sliced meat for sandwiches.  Sliced butts are good, too, but nothing tops the loin for sandwich meat!  Pulled pork sammies are a whole other category, in my book. ;)
Thanks Tony, Knife is on order! I love amazon prime!

as far as the reverse sear, I was having trouble with my grill this weekend so I passed on the step. it looks like that is this weekend's project.  interesting on the ocen sear
You'll like the knife, Tom - sure makes for some great slices!  I use the oven sear on larger cuts, like prime rib or big beef roasts.  Set it as high as it will go, and put the meat on a poultry rack over a pan (so the heat hits all sides).  Makes a great sear in just a few minutes!