My first go at bacon


New member
I have been contemplating bacon for a few days now so I got a belly and got started. It was 14lbs cut in three. We worked a gig at a brew pub tonight that also makes a great cane sugar root beer. I replaced syrup/molasses with Abita Root beer. I do root beer glazed ham and sometimes pork loin/chops and it's great. The sassafras taste with the sweet and salty is amazing. I hope the bacon comes out the same way. I did one skin on, one skin off with the root beer reduction on two on them and used Mortons quick cure. I have Progues coming in tomorrow. The proportions I used were based on  sconnyQ recommendations he posted in response to another thread. I'm going to use the Prouges tomorrow and figure out a good recipe then. May go pure Steens Cane Syrup but also contemplating the maple.
I have a number 3 with Auber PID. I'm sure I'll find plenty of ways to smoke clod smoke/vs hot smoke
ccase39 said:
The proportions I used were based on  sconnyQ recommendations SHE posted in response to another thread.

Fixed it for ya ;)

Can't wait to see the final result!
Alrighty, progress report. Just pulled the two with the cane syrup and root beer glaze out of the fridge and have them rinsed and soaking. One is skin on and the other is skin off. I cured it based on SconniQs recommendation. They will be ready to go on tomorrow night.
The third one was a little thicker and I used the process meathead published with the maple. I will pull it tomorrow. Excited to see the comparison. It's been a long wait it seems!!
Sorry guys busy week! All were great but Mrs Qs process was easier and lended itself to work out better if you are flavoring the bacon with Maple or root beer or whatever else. It turned out to be more of a paste than a liquid.
The root beer flavor was definitely more pronounced in those two.

The third one I got from amazing ribs and used maple. Great bacon but maple didn't come through too much if at all. This was skin on..

All three were smoked 4 hours cold- may bump it to 5 next time but I don't know if that extra hour will do much in grand scheme of things.
All three cooked at 200 until 150 internally.

First two with root beer turned out great. In the future I may reduce the root beer and cane syrup a little more but this time I kept it light because I didn't know how salty the finished product would be.

I am probably going to be a skin off guy because that one took on more flavor than the others. All and all great end result and I'm still alive. Thanks for all the advice!
Picked up a 14.8 lb belly @ Aquistapaces a couple of days ago. Thanks for the tip that they carried them.


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Walt said:
Picked up a 14.8 lb belly @ Aquistapaces a couple of days ago. Thanks for the tip that they carried them.
Awesome. I have noticed that the prices vary based on whose working. I got one about that size once that was like a buck a lb. picked up two over the weekend that cost me more than twice as much. Have fun with it!