Murdered My First Brisket


New member
Just took off a 11# brisket off my s1.  I'm afraid I committed a murder.  I took it off at 212F after only 10.5 hours.  I figured my temp monitor was off, but finally decided to open the door.  Unfortunately, my probe was spot on with temps ranging from 209.8F to 213F on about a dozen poke checks.

Oh well, wrapped and resting for an hour.  Ripped off a piece of bark and was great texture-wise but extremely bland.  I think I must have gotten scared of the salt. 

Well, $50 lesson I guess we'll chalk that up to my education.  I might have to smother it in BBQ Sauce and/or Ketchup and make some sliders. Could be worse.

That was weird.  11# brisky in the s1 I promised myself I wouldn't open the door for 12 hours no matter what but obviously it was done under 10 hours.  Wow.  Maybe cause I cut it in half?  I don't know.

I'm a true lazy Q guy and really like the shorter cooks.  I won't even brine or marinade unless it's a very short one for seafood or such.  If I have to monitor temp all night on these long cooks that's not my idea of Lazy Q.  Eff that.

I'm gonna stick to the short cooks for awhile.  I like "immediate results" and find I have really gotten the <3 hour smokes down.
Of course my wonderful bulldog Bruno is having a sniffing fit and guarding the oven (resting location) with his life.  He does not like waiting.  At least I'll get his stamp of approval.

The brisket was way underflavored and extremely overcooked.  You could have seriously injured someone if your banged that person on the head with a corner of my brisket.  Maybe on a couple good depth slices I got a hint of what coulda been.
FWIW, my briskets typically take slightly less to an hour per pound.  The failed brisket can be used in some other side dishes chopped.  Chili, nachos, fries are a few that come to mind. 
I hear ya, I mean my temp read 188F barely 4 hours into the smoke, I was certain it had to be wrong....nope!

Hey, at least I know my temp probe works well right!
I do not like reading these kind of posts.  I have a 12 pounder in right now that was put on at midnight last night.  I am at 169* now.( 10:00am). 
Covered with almost three cups of rub, I am scared it will be too much.
ibbones said:
I do not like reading these kind of posts.  I have a 12 pounder in right now that was put on at midnight last night.  I am at 169* now.( 10:00am). 
Covered with almost three cups of rub, I am scared it will be too much.
I'm scared for you! 
ibbones said:
I do not like reading these kind of posts.  I have a 12 pounder in right now that was put on at midnight last night.  I am at 169* now.( 10:00am). 
Covered with almost three cups of rub, I am scared it will be too much.

I set the bar so low with mine you can practically crawl over it!

Let us know how it turned out!
Buck, re-read your initial post.  Cutting meat in half reduces time to cooking and individual piece of meat of the size you cut to.  i.e. you were cooking 5.5 pound pieces and time should have been calculated off of that, not the 11 pounds. 
SuperDave said:
Buck, re-read your initial post.  Cutting meat in half reduces time to cooking and individual piece of meat of the size you cut to.  i.e. you were cooking 5.5 pound pieces and time should have been calculated off of that, not the 11 pounds.

Shit OK I guess that's kinda obvious now.  I should have realized that.  I'll do one again in a few months
Maybe cause I cut it in half?
Yes it was because you cut it in half. You didn't have an 11 pound brisket you had 2 5.5 pound briskets.

I think I must have gotten scared of the salt.
did you reduce the amount of salt called for in the rub recipe or does your rub taste salty so you used less? As to that situation, use a tasty rub and be somewhat generous in the application. Personally I don't go as heavy as butts of ribs when seasoning brisket. Also our brisket rub has very large flakes of salt so I can see how much salt compared to spice is on the beef.