Multiple pork butts


New member
Hey there! Long time lurker, first time poster. Have a few questions about my cook for tomorrow. Our butcher only had 4lb butts so I will be cooking 4 of them for tomorrow in my 2D.

1. Guesstimate on how long these will take? I've read that the smaller ones sometimes take longer, so wondering about 4 smaller ones at the same time.
2. Should the 6oz of wood still be good?
3. I was going to put 2 on the top rack and 2 under. Would you suggest flipping the racks at some point to even out the heat?

Thanks so much in advance for any insight you can share!
Sorry, may be a little late seeing this thread and answering. I have never seen a 4lb pork butt. Possibly may be one pork butt sliced into roasts?? Anyway, I would tie two of the roasts/butts together using butcher twine so that you would have two 8lb butts and then smoke as usual. You are correct that smaller cuts can sometimes take longer. That's why I suggested tying two together. A good estimate on the 2 8lb butts would be a good 16+ hours. Your amount of wood should be good. The two butts (tied together) would smoke a lot better and act more like two butts instead of 4 smaller pieces. When I am doing butts I usually start them out the night before I plan on eating them and put them on just before I go to bed. That way you will have plenty of time to get them done. Once done wrap them in foil and hold in the smoker at 140 degrees or throw them in cooler until you are ready to pull them. Good luck! Let us know how it turns out.
Hardly any butchers or stores cut meat from whole carcass animals. Butts come cryovac wrapped in pairs. I go through hundreds of butts a month and never had any less than 5 pounds most average 8-10.

What you want to ask for is "Whole untrimmed butts in cryovac" This is what the butcher is cutting down for the meat counter.