multiple butt question

rich b

New member
Not sure if this has been answered before.  I'm smoking 4 butts tonight on my #3 but I just have one thermometer  (733) with dual probes.  Should I monitor the upper or lower butts?
Rich, my advice would be to monitor the lower butts because they would be the ones closest to the heat source.
+1, and then when the lower ones reach temp, either use a pen therm to check the temps on the upper butts, or move the probe from the lower butt to a higher butt.  I suspect, though, that they will be very close in temp if each of the butts are similar size.
I'm going to disagree with Steve.  Expect the top butts to be maybe an hour behind the bottom butts for being done.
Yes, the wood amount would remain the same.  Good luck...let's know the results and whether the temp differences were significant between the upper and lower butts.
I just did 3 in the #2 Wed overnight through 1pm yesterday.  The two smaller butts went on the top rack and were approximately 12 degrees and 1.5 hrs behind the large butt on the lower rack.  Results were fabulous as usual in an SI.
4 butts at once!  Ahhh.... 8)

One thing I recommend, when doing a large quantity of meat, is bump the temp up to 240 to account for the extra mass.  Other than that, they'll smoke pretty much like a single!
Tony, I am a little confused about your 240 comment. If the smoker is maintaining 225 should he not be fine? I asked a retired restaurant inspector and he agrees with me stating "it is simple physics". Is there something we are missing here?
prudentsmoker said:
Tony, I am a little confused about your 240 comment. If the smoker is maintaining 225 should he not be fine? I asked a retired restaurant inspector and he agrees with me stating "it is simple physics". Is there something we are missing here?

I smoke my butts at 235.  If I have more than one, I bump the temp to 240 because I personally find it helps account for the additional mass.  I'm not a restaurant inspector, nor a physicist, I just know what works for me in BBQ in an SI.  No right or wrong - everyone's free to do it their own way...just my 2¢, is all, based on my experience.  Can you do 4 butts at 225?  Absolutely!  It will probably take longer than it should, but that's OK.  240 is actually a good temp to smoke butts at, btw.
Put them in at 9pm at 240 and by 8:30 the next morning the smallest butt was at 209 (oops) and the 2nd one was at 199, perfect pulled those two and put the probes in the next 2 butts, the 3rd one was at 199 as well so I pulled that out and I put those 3 in a foil half pan, double wrapped in foil and put in a cooler covered in towels.  the largest shoulder was at 180 so we let that one sit, took a couple more hours to raise to 202, pulled that one and started shredding it (love my bear claws but once i got the initial shred done I was pulling it apart by hand, pulling out the hard bits and really fatty parts.  This was done for my neighbors family reunion and it was a huge hit!  She rubbed it with the Weber coffee rub, I wasn't so fond of that rub myself on pork but she wanted a coffee rub and it was her pork and her party.  The drip pan was full to the top.  I may have some converts to the lazy Q lifestyle though, people were loving the ease and simplicity of the smokin-it.  Especially the part where it was kicking out the delicious smelling smoke right away, and then we wen't to bed and didn't think twice about it.  They planned on eating around 1 which is why we started earlier than usual.  I'll post pics later when i get them downloaded, but rest assured, everything turned out great and thanks for all the advice!  (oh yeah, we've always used a 2 to 1 ratio of cherry and hickory with pork so 4 oz cherry, 2 oz hickory on this smoke)