multiple boston butts


New member
Throwing 3 butts in tomorrow morning.  2 on top 1 on bottom or other way around?  other suggestions?  only have probe from the 3D - wondering which to probe?  Thanks for the suggestions gentlemen. 
Hi Jeff,

I've cooked them both ways, 2 top 1 below and 2 below 1 on top, both work great for me.  I personally prefer to put 1 top 2 below mainly because the temp probe for the thermostat does crazy things when the meat is too close to that probe, for mine anyway.  I always put the meat probe in the top butt.

My 2 cents worth ;-).  Carl
Jeff, I would probe the one on the bottom. They are going to be closer to the heat source and more than likely will be done before the one on top.
Thanks for all the input.  They turned out very good.  Failed getting pics.  Gonna enjoy some pulled pork Sammies next eel end for daughters graduation
Used 6.3 oz of hickory.  Like a strong smoke flavour and not willing to go much past suggested amounts until I know the smoker and figure the balance between enough and ruining the meat