Mrs. RG made me some Beef Ribs and Shorties

RG 2.0

New member
Y'all know it's not a one man show here at Casa de RG already. My wife likes to cook and I LIKE to let her cook :) I have no problem with her busting a move on any grill or smoker she chooses. She has free reign.

It's getting to be time to throw my beloved #3 back in the rotation. I feel like it's getting lonely over there, watching the other grills and smokers getting attention :P Its day is coming soon though. I actually tried to get my Wife to use it yesterday but she was hell bent on using both pellet poopers. Who am I to argue with the mother of my children?

She had a rack of beef back ribs and a package of boneless shorties that the wanted to cook along with the beef back ribs. She made an error though, as much as I hate to say it. She normally cooks shorties on her Keg, indirect using a diffuser and they come out excellent. The pellet poopers cook indirect technically but not in reality. The plate that sits over the burn pot and catches drippings and funnels them to the end to drip into a bucket DOES have hot spots and she didn't think that it would do what it did, which was to turn most of the shorties into briquettes lol!!

On the keg, or even the SI, she could've avoided this issue. She did wrap them in foil but she should've added a braising liquid to help keep from drying out. Live and learn. All of my cookers cook differently. Even all 3 of my kegs have their own nuances. With all of that said, it was still a wonderful meal! She made up some potato stacks and I made some garlic cheese bread using a sweet Italian loaf (not the best choice but it was what I had on hand) and my Son pitched in and made a Caesar salad from scratch. No one left the table hungry!





She got a little carried away on those beef rib pictures, they just look SO good I had to post all that she took, lol!

As always, thanks for looking!
Nice lookin' meal Mrs. RG! Bummer on the shorties. BTW, what cut are they? I have never heard of shorties before.
SuperDave said:
Jason, you eat good that's for sure!

Indeed I do. TOO good as of late. I lost a bunch of weight but the sad thing is I found it, lol. Time to get back on track and do it all over :(
RG said:
SuperDave said:
Jason, you eat good that's for sure!

Indeed I do. TOO good as of late. I lost a bunch of weight but the sad thing is I found it, lol. Time to get back on track and do it all over :(
I've spent the last couple of months trying to recover from some surgery that didn't go well.  I haven't felt much like cooking nor eating so I've lost some pounds the hard way.  Anxious to get back to normal so I can "find them" again.
SuperDave said:
RG said:
SuperDave said:
Jason, you eat good that's for sure!

Indeed I do. TOO good as of late. I lost a bunch of weight but the sad thing is I found it, lol. Time to get back on track and do it all over :(
I've spent the last couple of months trying to recover from some surgery that didn't go well.  I haven't felt much like cooking nor eating so I've lost some pounds the hard way.  Anxious to get back to normal so I can "find them" again.

Sorry to hear of it Dave. I hope you recover quickly and fully and get back to cooking soon!
No problemo BB! Maybe I am just weird. Maybe? lol

I think that I've heard them called shorties, maybe it's a trend that I just started. Who knows? Either way, it's all good.
BedouinBob said:
Jason, my bad. I just had never heard of short ribs called shorts before.  :o and a couple other sites call short ribs "shorties", but don't know if it's common.
Looks good Jason.  And since Kari mentioned amazing ribs, here is something for your reading pleasure.
old sarge said:
Looks good Jason.  And since Kari mentioned amazing ribs, here is something for your reading pleasure.

Ridiculously overpriced IMHO!! I could buy a lot more toys for my arsenal for what they want! A Santa Maria Grill, TBE, a 3D. many options, lol.