Mother's Day Feast


New member
Did a big spread for my wife, mother-in-law, and my mom plus our dads and brother in law.. Been teaching our daughter who is ten to cook and since she likes mac and cheese we did a homemade smoked version (from heygrillhey on youtube). Good practice for her to read recipes and measure out ingredients. My brother in law bought a 10lb prime rib under the condition that I would cook it. Hard to pass that up! My wife prefers pulled pork so I picked up 3 small shoulder pieces. I was reading about the vinegar based finishing sauce on the forum (thanks Big Bob!) and decided to give it a shot. Being from the Midwest I'm accustomed to sugar based sauce and on trips to Eastern North Carolina I never really cared for the vinegar sauce but thought my wife would like it. I kept one shoulder separate and added the finishing sauce after pulling it. We all loved it! The sharp contrast of the vinegar and sweet meat has changed my opinion for sure. The prime rib I smoked to 110 in the center and put in the oven at 500 degrees to crisp up. Rave reviews from everyone. Used a prime rib rub from a local bulk foods store that made a real nice bark as well. Enjoy the pictures! Learning a lot on this forum!


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What a spread! Everything looks wonderful! You nailed that rib roast too! Perfectly cooked. But, I’m sure the hit was the Mac and cheese :) what a fun day for all!

Also, I never really had the vinegar based sauces until I started reading around and now that’s all I want with my Q. The vinegar balances the richness just perfect for me. There is a style called Lexington Dip that I really like!
That’s a great looking spread! Very well done. The prime rib looks on point and the Mac and cheese sounds delicious. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks everyone. The prime rib was perfect, best our father's have ever had they said. I was really happy with the pulled pork as I had been struggling with that as other times mine went way over the general rule of 2 hours per pound. These smokers sure do a fine job!