More wood with more meat?


New member

I have what you'll all think is probably a stupid question, but I'm new! I bought a model 3DW and am wondering if I see a recipe for one piece of meat and I want to increase it to 2 pieces (or 4!), do I increase the amount of wood or is it the same amount of wood even with more meat? Like I see there is the pulled pork that shows 6 oz wood for a 9 Lb pork butt. If I were to put in 2 butts, or 4, do I still use that same 6 oz of wood or does it go to to 12+ oz? Thanks!
First off, welcome to the forum.  I don't see a need to increase the amount of wood used. It is about how much smoke flavor you want as opposed to the amount of food being smoked.  6 ounces should be plenty; maybe too much if you want a nice, mild smokiness.  You will have to be the judge and adjust accordingly.
Welcome! Hope you enjoy your new 3DW. I’m on the other side of the wood fence. Like David said you will have to experiment to see what you like best. I prefer a deeper smoke flavor, not bitter but deeper smoke into the large cuts of meat. I have experimented extensively and typically use about 30-50% more wood for my brisket and pork butts. I have found that placing the wood chunks at different places in the smoke box causes it to last longer and create smoke for a longer period of time. Good luck!