Monday Morning AM Pork Video


New member
Money muscle?

Skip to min 35:00 to see pork butt results / end of show.  Beginning of show is ok, middle so so for pork only fans

Caught this by an email, no clue where it is on TV. 
Watch the show whenever I can.  John, when you pull a pork butt do you ever notice that there are a variety of textures and tenderness in it?  A butt is a combination of muscles and the "money muscle" is the most tender and moist of those muscles. 
Correct, but they seem to "prep" the right spot for it ready to go when done.  Still learning, sharing and learning again. 

As long as I can freeze some butt whendone, its a good day.   

I only have two judges at home:)

I know those pro's are "all up in" that "money muscle," but to me, it's ALL "money" if you smoke it right! ;) 8) 8)