mold spores on my hickory from Smokinlicious


New member
I ordered my first wood order from Smokinlicious on Jan. 12th and received it approximately 3 days later.  I stored it in my garage in the cardboard container it came in and left the top open.  I also punched many holes in the box as suggested by Smokiinlicious.  I used the wood several times but didn't really inspect it.  I just weighed it.  Several days ago, I noticed dark blotches and lines on the wood so I called Smokinlicious and asked if it might be mold (which I'm alergic to).  Angela said to take a picture which I did and got a quick response from Donna.  Here is part of her response:  "Your 'spots' are a combination of surface mold spores and what is referred to as 'staining.'  This occurs when there is a significant change in temperature and humidity that the wood is exposed to."  She explained that  the wood  left their location "which is averaging 32 degrees F or below and headed for your location in NC which has a very different temperature in January.  Wood does not 'drink' during the winter months and thus, if it experiences a change in the humidity and temperature, it will release trapped water molecules from the cells in an effort to restabilize.  There is no danger to you either in handling of the wood or consumption of foods cooked over wood that has experienced some surface mold.  Although unpleasant to look at, it will not cause any harm.  View it like a mushroom!"

Having read comments on this forum regarding mold, bark, etc. I'd like to hear what members  think regarding this information.
75% of my wood is pruned from trees that either I or friends own.  Sometimes that wood has green moss on it or gets some staining during storage.  Depending on severity, I either wash it, use it as is or discard it.  I'm thinking that this is one of those personal opinion issues and everyone would do only what is comfortable to them.  If you are allergic or phobic about stuff like this, it shouldn't matter what the sales person or any of us would do.  You have to do what is comfortable for you. 
I keep my wood in the house, and have never seen that.  You can wipe the effected chunks with white vinegar, but I don't think it will hurt anything.  Like Dave said, though, do what you feel comfortable with.
I like my wood clean. If I run into this situation I usually hit it with a scrub brush and white vinegar. If that doesn't do the trick I chip it off with 1 1/4 Lb. Axe and a hammer.
As an aside...I keep my wood in a shed with no climate control and and have only seen mold spores when I cut, split, and remove the bark.