Modification of factory PID Setting for Model 1 with duel probe


New member
I decided to go to from the one probe to the the two probe version. I purchased an Auber WSD-1200GPH yesterday with the through the wall probe. When I ordered it they said they would send me some specific settings for the SmokinIt. Unfortunately, they don't have them for the M1, but here is what they sent me:

"Thank you for shopping with us. Unfortunately, we don't have recommendation settings for SmokinIt Model 1. Since model 1 is similar to model 2, you can try model 2's recommended settings below.

PID setting version 1:

P=30, I=800, d=150.

PID setting version 2:

P= 60, I=850, d=130

Version 1 is the recommendation settings from Auber. Version 2 is from Smokin-It. Since we reduce the P value in version 1, it may take long time to reach your set temperature rather than version 2.

Let us know any further questions.

Auber Instruments

I need help in three areas:

1. In practical terms how do these settings impact on my use of the smoker?

2. Which of the two settings should I use or are there more precise setting for the Model 1?

3. How do I actually change the settings?

Thanking you all in advance for any assistance.
Hi Gary, that is strange that they sent you this. I recently purchase an Auber for my #1 and they did not send me the pid settings. I plan on running an AT after I put in my switch (currently still enroute to me), wall mount sensor, bypass. Will let you know after I complete my work. And what my final PID settings are.
I would also recommend doing an auto tune for your #1. However, reading all the #2 results from the auto tune group results thread, version #2 seems to be more consistent with what #2 owners found after doing their auto tune. 
Keep it simple, Gary - follow the autotune instructions and do one.  This will be more accurate than the "starting point" settings.  Those #2 settings should be pretty close, but the autotune will get it closer.
Did my first autotune for Model 1 today. Had probe hanging down about 6 inches above the brick.

Did it about 1030 with the ambient temperature in the box at 81. I used the 1st shelf, simulated the meat with a 4 lb 5 oz brick, had the water box filled to 2/3 with water, programed the PID as per the Smokin-it Auber Autotune Instructions and here's what I got about 4 hours later:

P76, I 600, D 48

I will be having the permanent probe installed next week and will run another autotune.

I'm sure my technique needs improving, but procedurally it went flawlessly thanks to all the great info on this board. Thank you all for you help and patience.
Hey Gary, I postponed doing my upgrades on my smokers until tomorrow. Had yard work to do today and is nasty hot out there. Temp. on the front porch is 98 and feels a lot warmer. I was soaked when I came in but the yard looks nice according to the boss. tomorrow will put in my permanent wall mount sensors in both the #1 & #3 smokers, move the switch on the #3 from the back plate to the an area by the light on top of the smoker. On the #1, will install a switch also by the light, mount the permanent wall mount sensor on it, add a short 40 to 50 below power cord and do the wiring. Then will also run Auto Tunes on both smokers. Tonight will run over to Lowe's and get the drill bits, some 14awg wire, and some solder...