Model #2 On Order


New member
Greeting From Frozen Chicago.

Santa is getting me a smoker for Christmas.  :D

I ordered my Model #2 last night after much research and hand-wringing.  Right after I ordered the smoker... Hey Look!  They have CABINETS!  Ordered one of those as well.  :D

Mrs. Santa won't let me play with my presents until Christmas, so seasoning and the first smoke will have to wait until after that.  In the mean time, I'm here on the forum learning what I can ahead of time.  I have never smoked a thing in my life, so I'm a complete noob.  I want the first smoke (ribs) to be a big success.  I have also ordered a ThermoWorks Smoke thermometer and a selection of wood from Smokinlicious.  I think I've got the bases covered and I can hardly wait to get to the eating part!

Thanks for the great information here.  Looking forward to this new journey.


Steven, Congratulations on your new #2. I have a #2 also and love it. I am sure you will to. Waiting to Christmas to test drive your new smoker will be hard.
Welcome from ND (also snowy ;)) Steven. You have definitely chosen well by ordering a Smokin-It Smoker and coming to this site. For a newbie to be making such quality choices right off the bat, you are well on your way.

I too had to wait awhile before I was able to play with my smoker. But, for me it was mostly because I had to wait a couple of extra months to save up for the #3 over the #2 which was all that I could afford when I first found the SI smoker and forum. So, I read every thread in ever section prior to actually getting my smoker. This forum was quite a bit smaller and not as many historical posts back then, but it was still a lot of reading. So, you can read and learn vicariously through our posts until you can open your Christmas presents.

Merry Christmas!
Welcome from Delaware, Steven!    You have found  the right place and will learn LOTS from the forum.    I was like you about 4 years when I go my #2...never smoked a thing in my life.  My first smoke was also BB ribs.    I also have the SMOKE therm and I really like it.  So, I think you are set to go on the 25th!  Cheers
Welcome from Texas Stephen! Looks like a very merry Christmas is in store for you! May I recommend getting a small digital scale, the ones that folks use in kitchen to measure in ounces. They are cheap and can really save you some time and trouble. Using too much wood is a common occurrence and can be prevented by weighing it. These smokers are tight and don't require a lot of wood, since the wood is like a seasoning and not for fuel.
Thanks Everyone!

Dale..  Already have the scale.  My wife is a baker, so I'll use her scale.  I also need to get some mini-loaf pans for liquid on the bottom of the box, some nitrile gloves for prep work, and a brine bucket.  A project high on my wish list is a whole chicken.

I'm a little concerned about storing my wood.  I have read that you can vacuum seal it (I have a vac sealer), or leave it out in the air.  I would prefer that the wood not dry out.  Thinking about that $20 moisture meter I found a link to on the forum.  Trying not to overthink things (I do that a lot), but the waiting is gonna KILL me!    ::)
The folks at smokinlicious suggest keeping the wood in the original box that they ship to you, but punching some holes in the sides for air flow.  I did that and keep the wood in my garage.  It took me a year to use up the first box that I ordered from them, and the wood did not dry out enough to cause combustion in my #2.    Keep it simple!
Welcome! ;D For a basic brine bucket, I would recommend as your first purchase, a 12 quart Cambro square with lid. Only because it is ALSO perfect for sous vide, and I think within no time flat of getting into this crazy hobby of ours, you will be wanting an Anova WiFi to complement your SI and the lazy, low and slow lifestyle. The 12 quart Cambro will fit chickens and butts nicely for brining. You might also consider the "Briner" or "Briner Jr" for brining. For brisket, you might want a larger food-safe 5-gallon bucket or some other size of Cambro. (I don't brine briskets because I buy Prime whole Packers from Costco, but if they are less than Prime, you might want to brine.)
Congrats!  I just got my #2 a few weeks ago and was (am?) a complete noob, too.  The folks here are great and will gladly help you.

It's going to be harsh to have to wait!  I'd be working on a scheme to say I'd smoke christmas dinner if I can set it up now and that a scale, a cold smoke plate, or some other accessories would make for a pleasant surprise. :)

Best wishes!
Nice Present! But, gosh, Mrs. Santa sure is tough. I agree that some negotiations are in order regarding cooking Christmas Dinner and the ability to practice for same, otherwise you will go nuts. I suppose you could walk around the house sniffing your wood chunks constantly to drive the point home (and leaving chunks in various strategic places), or spend every waking minute reading the posts on this forum, and perhaps she'll relent.

Good luck, and welcome to the club.
Thanks Everyone.  To be fair, I'm making Mrs. Santa wait to play with her new Kitchen Aide stand mixer.

Sous Vide?  I've looked into this a bit, but I'm focused on Lazy-Q for now.
Welcome, Steven!  You definitely need to reach a compromise with Mrs. Santa!  Your first smoke could be a Christmas prime rib!  It's a very easy smoke, and my favorite of the year.  Maybe you could let her open hers on Christmas eve to make some Christmas pies with?  You both are about to have the PERFECT cooking devices for a wonderful Christmas dinner, so why miss a perfect opportunity? ;)
Welcome Steven, I am a proud #2 owner, great choice.  I agree with LarryD--I think you two could compromise.  You prepare a feast in the smoker and she prepares the sides with that new Kitchen Aide
Welcome Steven from mid Missouri. I use my Kitchen Aid for bread making and my SI 2D for everything else! You'll love it.