Model 2 Not Reaching Desired Temperature


New member
Smoked a 14 pound turkey on Thanksgiving.  Smoker is outside, temp about 45 F and little breeze.  I have an auber controller and have installed the bypass switch to allow the box to reach higher temps. I set the auber to 300 degrees, but the highest I saw the box temp reach was about 245 F in 5 hours of cooking.  Should the Model 2 be able to get above 245 in 45 degree weather?

There is another factor that could be in play; the Model 2 box temperature probe is very close to the turkey when it is cooking (about 1.5 inches).  It is possible that the probe was being influenced by the bird.  Centering the probe in the upper part of the chamber limits how much "meat" can be placed on the higher shelves.  I'm thinking about moving it at recommended height but about 3 inches from a side wall.  Any thoughts on that?

Hopefully someone can help you with this, but I’d just call Steve and talk to him about what’s going on. Everyone that has had to speak with him, he has been nothing but helpful in ensuring whatever is going on is resolved.

That may be your best bet. Hope you get it figured out.
RalphM said:
Smoked a 14 pound turkey on Thanksgiving.  Smoker is outside, temp about 45 F and little breeze.  I have an auber controller and have installed the bypass switch to allow the box to reach higher temps. I set the auber to 300 degrees, but the highest I saw the box temp reach was about 245 F in 5 hours of cooking.  Should the Model 2 be able to get above 245 in 45 degree weather?

There is another factor that could be in play; the Model 2 box temperature probe is very close to the turkey when it is cooking (about 1.5 inches).  It is possible that the probe was being influenced by the bird.  Centering the probe in the upper part of the chamber limits how much "meat" can be placed on the higher shelves.  I'm thinking about moving it at recommended height but about 3 inches from a side wall.  Any thoughts on that?


The very real possibility that the turkey acted like a huge heat sink and sucked up all the heat before the box probe could register it properly.  Try the same procedure, same settings, with a loaf pan filled with slightly damp sand and see what happens. 
Thanks for the suggestion, I'll try "smoking some sand" to see how it goes. Unusual 69 degrees here today, so will await some cooler temps.
