Might as well try bacon!


New member
There are several projects rolling right now (jerky, capicola, salmon), but after a trip to the Asian market, I noticed the piles of pork bellies in the butcher case!  They were all cut in 2lb chunks, so while not whole bellies, I picked up 4 of them to have a whirl at bacon.  I used Brian's basic cure and saltbox method, but decided to skip the additional syrup.  For the sugar component I used brown sugar and then to each piece of belly I added additional garlic, onion, and black pepper to impart flavor during the cure.  So away we go with the 7-day flip and cure.  Updates next week when removed from the cure.  These will spend more time after the cure drying in the fridge, as I may not be able to get to smoke them right away...likely in two Thursdays.....



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So I pulled the bellies today to dry in the refrigerator for 36 hours for a smoke on Saturday.  My plans did change so this is an experimental batch that I hope turns out well.  Two weeks ago I started the bellies on the basic dry cure.  Unexpected business travel forced me to adjust plans.  I removed the bellies after the first 36 hours and rinsed.  I then added a 2:1 meat to liquid brine with slightly reduced salt and cure so that it could hold until this past Sunday.  At that point I again removed the bellies, rinsed, and added 1/4 cup of basic dry cure to each belly and continued the dry curing process.  Tonight I removed and rinsed, patted dry, and they are in the refrigerator.  I will smoke on Saturday and will post results.  Tasting will be Sunday so I hope all turns out OK.

The picture below is from tonight.  The bellies were nice and firmed up, with that dark cured look, so I think all is well....



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All done slicing and having some for breakfast!  The bacon turned out really good and everyone who tried it loved it.  The smoke went very well.  I did a 6-hour cold smoke at 100 followed by 200F until internal temps to 150F.  Great day for a smoke and really relaxing outside watching all the birds and animals coming out from their winter hiding!

Some thoughts: I noted that I may reduce the saltiness with reduced curing time, BUT will try to repeat the experiment without the liquid intervention I mentioned earlier...that may have delivered extra salt I did not intend with the dry cure.  Also, I cold smoked for 6 hours with 5oz of Apple, and while it was a great flavor, I might reduce the amount of wood for a slightly less smokey flavor.  The smokey flavor may soften more as it is refrigerated and the rest frozen so I won't change anything at the moment.  Again, I will repeat everything the same way to make sure my liquid brine intervention did not screw things up.

Bottom line is regardless of cry or liquid and back to dry cure, the bacon is outstanding and worthy of trying for anyone!!!



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