Meat Prode reading NEGATIVE temperature

Now that I think about it, this probe has been weird from the start and now it has completely crapped out.  The bad thing is, this is only the 3-4th cook, whats gonna happen around 10 smokes.  Very concerned.......

Thank god I invested into Thermowerks, set the smoker to Time instead of internal temp and put the thermowerks in.......
Kyle, call Steve.  He'll send you a new probe, under warranty (if it's been less than 90 days).  No biggie - it happens to all of them, sometimes!  Probes are very fragile inside, and it doesn't take much to make them fail.  It may have been damaged in manufacturing, or it may have been inadvertently submerged in water, during cleaning.  Just call Steve and get a new one.  I've been using multiple Aubers for the last 3 1/2 years, and have only lost one probe in that time.