Max racks of ribs for SI3?


New member
Hey guys,  searched all I could before asking but with no luck...... So here it goes.  Got 2 parties that I'm smoking for the next 2 days.  I needed to smoke 8 racks of BBs for each one.  Anyone ever done this on the SI3?  I did see where someone said the more meat they had in their SI the more steady the temp was..... Understandably.  But saw nothing as to the max amount of rib bones cooked at once.  Thought I would use all 4 racks and place them high in the cooker then give it ago...... Not so worried about temp and time,,,,, just curious if anyone had done this much meat at once.  Thanks upfront...
That is only 2 racks of ribs per smoker racks, not much of a challenge for the #3. Easter I did four baby back, 3 spares, and 10 pounds of beef ribs and still had a little room left over.
Thanks for the replies guys.... All went well. I had 26 for first party then about 33 for the next group. Actually ended up cooking 8 racks Sunday and 5 racks Sunday night...... A little overkill but rather too much than not enough. Sent home last rack with guest of honor at his retirement dinner.  Here are a couple pics.... I did the 3-2 method at 235.... Quite tasty.


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Good job, Joe!  Bet they were a big hit!

Sometime, leave the foil in the box and on the bottom of the smoker, and try our "no peeky" method.  You'll love the bark, and so little effort!  Embrace the "Lazy Q" lifestyle, brother! 8)