Maverick Et-735


I'm just curious if anyone has actually gotten and used the new Maverick ET-735 unit yet?  Im interested to hear how you like it.

The Firecraft website seems unclear as to if they have been shipping them yet or if they are still a pre-order item.  Anyone know for sure?

I didn't order the 735, but I did order two of the probes. They are still waiting to receive their shipment from Maverick. There was some problems with the phone apps that delayed the shipment.

According to my order for the probes they are scheduled to ship from FireCraft on 3/9.

I have a Windows Phone and their apps only work with Android/IPhone. Otherwise, I probably would have ordered the 735 instead of just the new probes. The ability to use 4 probes would be pretty nice on certain occasions.
NDKoze said:
The ability to use 4 probes would be pretty nice on certain occasions.

I agree.  That's the main reason that I have been thinking about getting one.  However, I kind of want someone else to be the guinea pig first!  LOL
I was originally thinking about ordering this when they mentioned it to ship in January. Can't believe it has been delayed almost 2-3 months now. In this timeframe, I changed my decision to build a HeaterMeter instead. I have now built two HeaterMeter's and got them operational before Maverick got their act together on this ET-735. I was not impressed with the maverick ET-733 I first ordered. Glad I got my refund on its return.
They were originally supposed to ship at the end of January. So, they are more like 1.5 months late. So, you're exaggerating just a little bit. ;)

I applaud you for your efforts with the Heater Meter project. But for those of us that don't want to mess with building an electronic device, the Maverick is an excellent option.

Other than the one probe, I have been extremely happy with my ET-733, and strongly recommend it to anyone looking for a wireless thermometer.
I bought a 733 at Christmas and found I spent a little more than I needed to.  There are soooo many multi probe thermometers on the market now.  I spent money on programming bells and whistles that aren't applicable to my use.  I just need to be able to look at the screen and see what my meat temps are.  Cabelas has a 4 probe for a pretty reasonable price. 
Agreed!  I had an Auber but was getting huge temp swings when I cooked anywhere over 220.  Auber told me that it wouldn't work with a model 3 unless I bypassed the controller.  I returned it and went back to my Maverick because in the end, I'm primarily concerned with the internal meat temp.  I run 2 of them to do what this new one will do. I hope it works and the range is good enough.
My wife pre-ordered me one (et-735) from Firecraft for Christmas. As of 2 weeks ago, they were still not released from the manufacturer and Fireceaft doesn't have any to ship. They are estimating shipping them in March. I had previously bought a cheapee one off Amazon for $20 but it lasted one smoke then readings went wonky.
I ordered the probes not the 735. But I am guessing they will be un the same shipment.

I received an email saying that they are supposed to receive the Maverick shipment on 3/9.
You all should buy a HeaterMeter!  ;)  It combines the best of the best. You get an Auber controller replacement, it can handle a pit probe and 3 other meat probes simultaneously, it supplies flawless remote monitoring capabilities (over stable wifi rather than bluetooth or proprietary wireless frequencies that are local only). It supplies a really neat WOW factor! Also, it supports pretty much any brand of probes (2-3 brands are built into it). I ordered some ThermoWorks probes rather than the Maverick probes because they have reportedly better quality.

See my thread on it here:
That's great to hear, sound like the port delays are starting to trickle in. I need to check the return policy at Firecraft, the only item that makes me hesitate is BT connectivity since it will be used outdoors.
JDSwan87 said:
Libohunden said:
Looks like the 735's are shipping now. Anyone get one yet?
I just got my tracking number last nite! Hopefully I will be able to give a write up in the next week...

Fantastic!  I'm very interested to know the actual range... Along with everyone else on here!  Take some pics too!
I just received my Et-735 yesterday from Amazon. The range seems perfect, the remote works anywhere in my house.
