Maple Cured Bacon - Prague Powder #1 vs Morton Tender Quick Experiment


New member
Picked up a beautiful 10 pound pork belly at Costco today. $2.85/lb. The skin had already been removed (either expertly or mechanically I might add), leaving a lovely, even fat cap (I've seen some real hack jobs removing the skin).

I decided to do a little experiment. I’ve noticed several posts on this forum about using Prague Powder #1 (Pink Curing Salt) vs. Morton Tender Quick. And how this might change flavor, texture, etc.

Morton Tender Quick is pretty much available at any basic supermarket. For most people though, Prague Powder #1 must be ordered. So people seem to ask "what is the difference"?

I happen to have both Prague Powder #1 and Tender Quick. So I’m going to cut my belly into two 5 pound pieces, and cure each piece in a different cure. Each cure has been designed to have the same flavor profile as the other (brown sugar, maple syrup), just altering the pink salt vs Tender Quick.

My thinking behind the intricate differences in the cures: Tender Quick has about 20% sugar, but I did not adjust for that difference in the Prague Powder version, since both cures have plenty of brown sugar and maple syrup. If anything, you might notice a little less sweetness in the Prague Powder version, but probably not much. Likewise, Prague Powder is mostly salt, but I stayed with 1 T Kosher salt for that cure (rather than slightly lowering the salt). I don't feel reducing the Kosher salt measurement by 1/2 teaspoon per pound is a level of precision that is necessary. Especially since many dry cure recipes apply the cure by "whatever doesn't fall off".


Prague Powder #1 Cure (per pound of belly)
1 Tablespoon Kosher salt (Morton’s)
1/2 teaspoon Prague Powder #1 (Pink Curing Salt)
1 Tablespoon brown sugar
1 Tablespoon maple syrup

Morton Tender Quick Cure (per pound of belly)
1 Tablespoon Morton Tender Quick
1 Tablespoon brown sugar
1 Tablespoon maple syrup

Both pieces will be cured at the same time, in separate bags. They will be smoked together in the same smoking session, so there are no conflicting variables with curing time, fridge temp, meat from different animals, smoking time, temp, wood, etc. (Just the cure.)


Prepare a batch of cure using the ratios above per 1 pound of meat. Rub the belly with the cure making sure to evenly distribute it over the entire surface of the belly and place in a zip lock bag (I will be using 3 gallon bags). Remove as much air as possible and seal. Place in the fridge and allow to cure for 7 days per inch thickness of belly. Flip the bags once every day and massage the meat to ensure even distribution of the cure. When fully cured, remove meat from bags and rinse in cold water, washing off all the excess salt and cure. Soak in plain water for 30 minutes to further remove excess surface salt. Dry with paper towels and place on a rack, set over a sheet pan. Place in fridge, uncovered, and allow to dry for 24 hours to form a pellicle.

Cold smoke, using the cold smoke plate and a pan of ice for 3 hours (15-20 minutes full blast, 40-45 minutes off) keeping the ambient temperature below 100 degrees. After 3 hours, remove the cold smoke plate and pan of ice, set temp to 200, and continue to smoke until an internal temperature of 150.

I will be using 5 ounces of wood. 1/2 hickory, and the other 1/2 either apple or cherry. I will be using some chips and some chunks.

Wrap in plastic wrap (or wax paper?) and chill for 24 hours then slice to desired thickness. Crisp over medium heat in a pan, or crisp in the oven.

Expert bacon community out there... let me know if anything seems off about my cures, or smoking technique. I plan on applying the cures tomorrow (Sunday). I believe I have the right ratios of salt to nitrites using the different products.

Any predictions? I think they are going to be pretty much the same. But it certainly will be fun to find out. After all, that will involve much eating of bacon!


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smokeclub said:
How were the results??  ;D
Didn't get them in the cure until last Sunday night, which means I'll be rinsing the cure this Sunday (tomorrow) night. Then into the fridge for 24 hours. Since I don't want to start smoking them Monday night, I will be smoking on Tuesday. Slicing and tasting on Wednesday. It's a long process...but very little actual "work".
Hey Kari, after I smoked mine I did slice off a piece and fried it just to see the taste. Then a couple of days later brought out the slicer and sliced it within a few minutes. I was a bit surprised that there was not more of a maple flavor. Next time will use maple wood for the smoke.
elkins20 said:
I was a bit surprised that there was not more of a maple flavor. Next time will use maple wood for the smoke.

Thanks for the input on wood. I was thinking 1/2 hickory, and the other 1/2 either cherry or maple. Maybe I will go with maple then for my second wood, but I was thinking the hickory might overpower the maple. Maybe all maple is the way to go, but I really like hickory for bacon. I've seen some recipes where people add a maple glaze right after it comes out of the smoker.
Hey Kari, just curious how your bacon came out? I too recently purchase an 11# belly from Costco, same price and really looks much better than from the specialty grocer. I am going to cut it into 3 sections and then back in the freezer after packaging it in a vac sealer bags. 
Hey Kari, seems like I seen someone stating if you have to leave the bacon longer than 24 hrs. after smoking to wrap it loosely with wax paper. I just put mine in a plastic bacon container and was just slicing of a couple of slices. Finally I got the Berkel out and sliced it up in no time. Actually took longer to clean the slicer than to slice the bacon.
elkins20 said:
Hey Kari, just curious how your bacon came out? I too recently purchase an 11# belly from Costco, same price and really looks much better than from the specialty grocer. I am going to cut it into 3 sections and then back in the freezer after packaging it in a vac sealer bags.

The bacon came out great! I will be posting pictures in the next couple days. I can tell you that I found absolutely no difference between the cure with Prague Powder vs the Morton Tender Quick recipe. Identical. So you can follow either cure recipe, depending on which one you have available. Also, the cure proportions I have listed per pound of meat came out really good for salt and sugar balance.
Thanks Kari, I have both, I have been using the MTQ to make false smoke rings on briskets. lol Right now have some bacon curing and will be pulling it Sat. morning and smoking on Sunday. This time will use all maple wood.