Makin Bacon


New member
Got this smoker purely for making bacon. It does a lot more now, but being from Texas I am morally obliged to never cook brisket in my “ez bake oven” as my purist friends like to call it..... but they all eat that bacon!!!
I agree with Colecp. Go ahead and do a brisket.  After all you are using wood for the smoke.  Tell your friends your stick burner burns miniature sticks.
Ha! I’ve turned out some pretty good brisket with my 3D. It’s not a stick burner, but it does burn chunks!

I agree with the other replies.. Do a brisket in your S1 and don't even tell your buddies until they are done
devouring the chunk of beef goodness !!!!   
I want to get a stick burner, but I am holding out for a high quality one.

Is there a brand that you would recommend that can also be used as a wood grill?

I’ve looked at LoneStarz Grillz - they are sweet! Highest quality stick burners that you can add some accessories to make the fire box a grill.

Or check out M Grills - I really like the M1 series, it’s a combo type, low and slow but also a grill to where you can raise/lower a charcoal bed for grilling.

I consider these to be high quality grills from what I’ve read and seeing video reviews from a few people on another board I visit. Being high quality, the price is up there as well, but I don’t think you can find something better. It will last lifetimes with the material used to build these.
Now I’m from Texas too, and I tried them evil stick burners and if playing with fire is your thing, that’s ok. But as for me, I like to work smarter not harder. As others have mentioned, they won’t know the difference unless they look for the smoke ring, and then after one bite, that will be over. You might even convert them unless of course they are young and like playing with fire. Tony called it Lazy Q for a reason.
i do like playing with fire, but more importantly i want a stick burner, that also can be used a a wood grill, putting the wood not in a side fire box, but directly under the meat. 

side note, i’m still having trouble with my smokin it, burning the wood too hot and creating acrid heavy smoke.  i have tried everything,

the only thing that is different is i bought smokin lolicious wood, and when it was fresh it worked great, the wood is i over a year old now and i’m assuming dry. 

before i got a smokin it i used bag chips from the big box store in a master built, and it was fine
I made some small trays out of aluminum flashing that keeps my wood from combusting


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