Make NY Strips Great Again!


Picked up a deal on 3 NY Strips tonight.  Rubbed em down and vacuum sealed them and threw them in a sous vide bath at 129F.  About the 2 hour mark, I had some time so did some surfing and saw where a couple people on a different website stated they cooked NY Strips at 130 or 131F.  I upped my temp to 131 since I only had about 30 min before I needed to sear and eat.  These strips were very well marbled but they were choice.  They were good... Just not as good as I was expecting.  They were a nice pink edge to edge as expected.  Just seemed tougher and not the magnificently wonderfulness that I am used to with Ribeyes or sirloin.  And of course, these were the first NY Strips I had sous vide'd.

Anyone have any advice on how to make NY Strips Great Again?

Out of the 3 I cooked, my wife and I ended up splitting one.  So, I re vacuum sealed the other two (that had been since seared to perfection).  I'm wondering if I cook them sous vide for a certain time/temp to reheat if they will become more tender?

Also,what are people cooking NY Strips at normally? Time/temp?

Additionally, I'm not crazy about the new Anova app...
Lobo, I just got my Anova so I am no expert. I will say though that when I did chuck roast I went 72 hours and the meat was tender. Try longer, say 24 hours and see what you think.
Never tried NY strip, but if I go with what I've tried, Rib eyes (4hrs @ 131f), sirloin (8hrs @ 131f), My first try at a NY strip will be 6 hrs @131F... As far as the app, I've never used it and really don't see any use for it, but this maybe just me... Hope this help
If you are going 2.5 hours or less, you can SV at 129 or less. Steaks cooked under 130 degrees should not be cooked longer than 2.5 hours for food safety reasons. You'll need to cook longer than 2.5 hours to get more tenderizing. So next time you might want to try your NY Strips at 131 for 4-8 hours and see how they turn out. I use the anova to reheat already cooked steaks all the time, and it works great. I usually set it at 125 for an hour or so for reheating without cooking it any further. I have reheated a lot of Christmas prime rib that way, and it stays nice and pink. Mostly I only use the app if I want to set a really precise temp, within 1/10th of a degree. The wheel on the front only adjusts by 1/2 degrees.