Lowest smoke temperature


New member
I meant to ask this earlier and it is probably somewhere else on the forum, I’m curious, what is the lowest temperature that you can run your smoker and be able to produce smoke with chunks of wood?  I realize I can run a lower temperature utilizing the Bella but wonder about chunks in the wood box. Thanks.
I get smoke pretty quick, around 120 degrees according to the controller temp probe. Keep in mind that upon start up, the element is screaming hot, much hotter than than the 120 degrees. Since you can set the smoker as low as 140, I am GUESSING that when the element kicks in periodically, it will produce smoke. Just a guess. Something to research when you are totally bored.
+1 ... I usually start seeing smoke in the 110-120* range -- a light stream of smoke and then a steady stream as the temp ramps up.
I want to try to smoke some steaks for a short time (30 min or so) at the lowest temperature that I can without overcooking the steaks. I’m then going to pull the steaks and Sous vide them before a final sear in a screaming hot cast iron pan. I have a Bella that I haven’t tried yet and I know that will definitely do the job, but I am curious to try a small wood chunk and see how much smoke flavor I can get at a low temp and short time. I’ll report the results.
If I want smoke at a lower temp, say for fish, I use much smaller pieces or even chips. Just like a campfire, kindling lights quicker than logs.
I haven't tried sawdust though.
I’d actually do the Sous Vide first, then ice bath, then use the smoke to bring up to temp and then finish how you would like, either over grill or cast iron skillet.

From a few experiences of smoke then SV, it seams to take a bit of the smoke flavor away as well as the bark, although with a steak you may not be going for bark. but, just some observations I’ve made and read about over time.

But using SV first allows you to get your serve temp set. The ice bath then allows you to bring back to that temp slowly to finish off as well as set your sear and not overshoot the temp.

Again, it’s just a suggestion. Part of the fun here is trying different methods and going with what you like best.

Hope you have fun with the methods!
Thanks Dave. I’ll try some big chips that I have. That should work well. 👍

Good ideas Jeremy. I’ll try the Sous vide first, chill and then smoke this time. That will allow me to see how low of a temperature that it will produce smoke at and then bring the steaks back up temp.  👍
We’ll, I tried the steaks last night. First I did Sous vide up to 120 degrees, followed by a chill in an ice bath to bring the temp back down before attempting to smoke at a low temperature.  I used larger wood chips with the smoker set at 130 degrees. There really wasn’t any smoke to speak of. I kept bumping the temp up trying to get smoke to start. Eventually I was up to 170 and had to pull the steaks as their temp was back up to 120 degrees.  I then finished them off with a sear in a very hot pan, 1 minute per side. The steaks tasted great but very little smoke flavor. Maybe I should have taken the screen out and just placed the chips in the box.

I think next time, I will set the temp on the smoker at about 200 degrees to get the smoke rolling and then put in the steaks and turn the temp down to 130 or so. Of course, I could solve the whole thing by just using my Bella.  Oh well, I’ll keep experimenting.
Let me preface this by stating that I do not use a screen. Don't care about a small fire figuring that in the box and smoker it will eat up all the oxygen and die down. NOW!  On to what else I don't do and have no experience in but feel like saying it any way.  I don't sous vide. BUT, what if you got a good amount of smoke going and throw the steak into the smoker, cold, and let it rip for maybe an hour.  Then sousvide, and then a hard sear on a grill?  Keep in mind I have never done anythin that I just said.  Except no screen and no sousvide.
David, exactly what I told my wife, although I was thinking that I would set the temperature high enough to get the smoke rolling really well, then stick in the steaks and turn the temperature down right away to 140ish and then pull the steaks early, Sous vide and sear to finish. I’ll let you know.

Larry, thanks for the suggestion. I could of course use the Bella, it’s just that I was in a hurry and looking for a quicker result.  Lazy me.  🤪
tpcdelisle said:
David, exactly what I told my wife, although I was thinking that I would set the temperature high enough to get the smoke rolling really well, then stick in the steaks and turn the temperature down right away to 140ish and then pull the steaks early, Sous vide and sear to finish. I’ll let you know.

Larry, thanks for the suggestion. I could of course use the Bella, it’s just that I was in a hurry and looking for a quicker result.  Lazy me.  🤪

Want quick?  Really quick?  Liquid smoke!
Want quick?  Really quick?  Liquid smoke!

I might have to be quick sometimes or even the occasional lazy, but 🫣🙄😵‍💫🤦‍♂️🤪🤣 Nooooooo go on the liquid smoke. Not a thing wrong with the liquid smoke as I have a couple of kinds but I use it for other things.  Although in this case, it would helped. 😁

David, you are probably right about the screen. I checked it for a Salmon cook tonight and the big apple chips just didn’t burn at the lower temps and screen installed.  I’ll see how she goes tonight. 👍