Low and slow Pork Butt


New member
First pork butt in my 3.5D 10LBS injected and rubbed with Chris Lilly recipe from this site. 225F with mixed SI Hickory and Cherry 3 oz of each. added a pan of apple juice and sliced apples to the bottom shelf and the butt is on the center rack. put it in at 6:30PM last night 6/17/2023 planning on a 20 hour cook. This morning at 6:45am we were at 174F so I put it in a foil pan with some butter and apple juice and coved with foil. Cooking to an IT of 203F then out for a rest and back in at 140F to hold until ready to eat at 3pm. almost 9am here now and we are at 189F so the 2 hour per pound is off a little for me. But always better to be done early than be done late. I will post finished picture when its time to pull the pork.


Fantastic!  My mouth is watering just looking at the pic!    I am sure this was a very enjoyable meal, and I like the mixture of hickory and cherry.  The 18 hours to finish sounds spot on -- as a general rule of thumb, I estimate 1.5 hours per pound, and add extra time to finish early without rushing the meat.

Great job!  I see a second butt going into the 3.5D in your near future!  Cheers