Looking to try the Bacon Explosion recipe with some substitutions...


New member
Hello fellow smokers!  Beginner here who just got the #1 model... I was looking at the recipes page and I saw the last one was the Bacon Explosion, which sounds amazing.  The recipe calls to use sausages for the meat between the bacon, but I'm wondering if it's easy to substitute that with something like ground beef instead?  So really wondering 2 things:

1.  Can any meat bet substituted, and will that change the cook time?
2.  How much wood should be used for something this small?

Here is a link to the recipe I'm looking at:  https://www.smokin-it.com/v/vspfiles/assets/images/Bacon_Explosion.pdf

On this forum, one of those is called a "Fatty", and yes, you can use different meats, though most use pork sausage.  If using beef, I would cook it to whatever temperature would cook it to well done (140? I never intentionally cook beef to well done, so am not sure, but that sounds about right).

I used 3 oz. of Hickory last time I made one.

They are fun and impressive and relatively easy to make, but I did find that they don't last very long, so make more than you think you will need. Get creative with the fillings, and Enjoy!