looking for advice on smoking goose and duck


New member
whole goose and whole duck

at the same time or separately

i'm sure there are member here who have experience in smoking both in their smokin it

i'll brine

how long to smoke? what temps for the birds and for the smoker?

treat it just like a whole chicken of the same size?

do you guys ever put anything in the cavity when you smoke whole birds? scallions onions lemon grass, extra rub and or brown sugar?
Hey Stout,

I would do them separately since they are quite a bit different in size. I would brine. I would do like chicken but make sure you have water in the pan and yes, put celery, carrot, and onion in the cavity. It helps with the moisture. Another thing I would try since the duck doesn't have that much meat except for the breast is to make duck breast pastrami. It turned out great when I did it with some domestic duck breasts. Let us know how it turns out!  :)
thanks man
i will for sure let you know how they come out.. but it won't be for a little while yet
first i just want to make sure to
get my ducks in a row