Lead Time for Big Cook...


New member
I have an 8 rack cook coming up in a few weeks and I've never done a cook that big.  I have a Mod 3 with an Auber wired in.  The biggest cook I've done is 4 racks and I had no problems going from refrigerator cold meat to 225 and TBS in just about 30 minutes. 

Any thoughts?  I've been thinking I could double that, plus half more for a total of an hour and 15 minutes lead to allow the cooker to get up to 225.  Is there some math to apply here or is it mostly magic?  I have zero experience calculating this.  Any advice will be greatly appreciated!  Thanks all!
You should be OK.  Just be careful to not overcrowd; leave space for the air/heat/smoke to circulate.  You might need to rotate this on the bottom to the top and vice versa at some time during the smoke.  Have fun!
Well, the program I use is the "out of the box" program for the Auber.  30 minutes for heat buildup and smoke development, then 6 hours of cook time, and after that I think it drops to 150 or so to "hold" the product.

My spacing will be 2 racks of ribs per smoker rack, times 4 smoker racks.  I can plan in time for a rotation, maybe 30 minutes or so to bring the smoker back up to 250.  So 7.5 hours sounds about right assuming no significant lead time to bring the smoker up to temperature.

Ok!  Thanks Sarge!  I sure appreciate your insight.
I have done 6 racks in my #3. Don't remember increase in time getting to temp or cooking time. Started with racks almost to room temp. I put rub on night before and then out into fridge. Next morning, took them out and gave them a light dusting of fresh rub and then let them sit on counter for and hour. Then put into smoker.
I did rotate top and bottom racks about 2/3 of the way through smoke.
Haha!  That hour seems to factor in there somewhere, whether in the smoker or out!  Yes, the ribs will be prepped, rubbed and ready the night before.  But I don't know that we have the counter space to let 8 racks rest for an hour and manage to get anything else done in the meantime.  I can try though, cause letting them come to room temperature would definitely get them to 225 faster.

Thanks Dave!