I have an 8 rack cook coming up in a few weeks and I've never done a cook that big. I have a Mod 3 with an Auber wired in. The biggest cook I've done is 4 racks and I had no problems going from refrigerator cold meat to 225 and TBS in just about 30 minutes.
Any thoughts? I've been thinking I could double that, plus half more for a total of an hour and 15 minutes lead to allow the cooker to get up to 225. Is there some math to apply here or is it mostly magic? I have zero experience calculating this. Any advice will be greatly appreciated! Thanks all!
Any thoughts? I've been thinking I could double that, plus half more for a total of an hour and 15 minutes lead to allow the cooker to get up to 225. Is there some math to apply here or is it mostly magic? I have zero experience calculating this. Any advice will be greatly appreciated! Thanks all!