Lazy day baby backs

Event Horizon

New member
Happy Independence Day!

We just celebrated our Canada Day and I tried some ribs in my new 3D.

I followed Tony's step by step for ribs, and made sure there was plenty of beer in the fridge, to make it a real lazy Q and it was a fantastic day!

I used beer in the pan.

I closed the door and enjoyed the afternoon.

4 1/2 hours later it was finally time to open the door!  I did the toothpick test and found them ready, so I pulled them tented them with foil until the sides were ready.

They were great!

I can't wait to do this again. 

Yes we had some healthy stuff too!

That's a nice looking spread there John! I'll wager there were some full bellies and happy faces after that feed. Nice job!
Thanks guys.
The beer was good, the ribs were great, the ribs were GREAT, THE RIBS...  yeah, I was happy with the ribs.  I am going to get addicted to this.
+1 Ed but then again I just figure it helps my #2 know what to do.  ;) Nice looking ribs and all around meal....including the "pig food" er, I mean salad.  :)
I was going to ask if you deliver, but I see I would be asking far to late! Looks Awesome!