Kindle BBQ Books


New member
I just purchased the Kindle edition of "Smoking Meat: The Essential Guide for Real BBQ" by Jeff Phillips" and found the time and temperature tables unreadable(much too small) in the Kindle format. Even cranking the size up to the maximum and using a magnifying glass didn't help! Has anyone had similar problems with other books?
If I buy a BBQ book, it's either e-book format that I can open on the large computer monitor, or better yet, a good old fashion paper book that I can hold in my hands! ;)
I am old school. Need to have a non-digital copy. The book you purchased is good lots of recipes and techniques.
Ed, I am basically in your camp and much prefer "real books" especially for cook books-much easier to compare recipes. However I am also a snowbird and my wife finally put her foot down about carting a couple hundred pounds of cook books down to the Keys every winter. Incidentally I finally found a bigger magnifying glass and was able to read the tables. I agree that it is a good book.
Bob, that is probably true. I have two copies of some of my key grilling and cooking books but am brand new to serious smoking and do not yet know which books to double up on. Any suggestions gratefully appreciated.