Kevin from northern Wisconsin

Welcome from SW Missouri. Hope you really enjoy your new Smoker. There is a plethora of information available on this forum as well as many good folks willing to help, answer questions and give good advice. You have come to the right place. Good luck with your endeavors into Lazy Q.
Welcome from Delaware, Kevin, you have found the right place!  When I started out with the SI #2 about 5 years ago, I was in the same boat--never smoked a thing in my life.  Didn't take long and neighbors were raving about the smoked meat coming out of my #2.  Enjoy!  Cheers
#2 analog- should be here by the weekend. Can’t wait to start. Going meat shopping on Friday-ribs, pork butt and brisket. I been reading up for the past month. Purchasing a stainless table Friday to place #2 on along with the Blackstone in the summer. Thank you for the kind welcome—-
Welcome Kevin from southern Kansas. Your gonna love your smoker and the food it produces. Don't hesitate to ask questions on this forum if you need any help. There are some really good folks here that sure know how to cook.  Danny
Welcome from Indiana.  Congrats in the new smoker.  You are doing it right by all the reading you have done.  Your world is about to change for the better