Kentucky Roast Beef

RG 2.0

New member
Some of you may remember that a long time ago KFC had gone into the roast beef sandwich business to compete with Arby's. They didn't last long as the the prices of beef at the time were very unstable and they couldn't pass the rising prices onto consumers and still have a marketable (and profitable) product so they closed their doors. Most were just sold along side KFC in a shared building however there were some free standing stores. I don't recall ever seeing them in my youth but there were some located in the Metro Atlanta area.

There is a youtube channel called "Ballistic BBQ" and the guy has an arsenal of cookery and his videos are informative to watch, he has a ton of them. In looking through his vids, I ran across this :

He talks about KRB and the fond memories of eating their sandwiches so he set out to replicate it. I found the video intriguing so I followed his lead and made my own Sirloin Tip roast on my PBC and even made the Jack Daniels BBQ sauce as he did in the video. I will tell you that he must REALLY REALLY REALLY LOVE old #7 because this sauce is a flat out butt kicker! WAY TOO much JD in this concoction. He should've called this Kentucky Drunk Beef. I went back and added more ketchup, more honey and more sugar and was able to somewhat kill the ridiculous amount of JD. If you follow his recipe, I'd cut the JD down to 1/4 cup and add as needed if you must. His recipe called for a mind (and taste bud) numbing 1 1/2 cups whisky! WOW!!!! I should've known but alas, I am a male and I am slow to catch on :P

Here is my interpretation of his meal.









Served with some seasoned potato rounds. That sauce could've been a winner if I hadn't gone overboard with the hard stuff. As it's my nature, I added to the sauce as well. I have said in the past that I am a tinkerer, this begged for some tinkering! I added a little GP & OP to the sauce as well as apple sauce. Sounds weird I know but it adds a mild sweetness as well as thickens it a bit. I was really trying to kill Mr. Daniels with whatever I could find lying around. If I had molasses, I would've thrown some of that in there as well but it was not to be. I always have that stuff around.....not today!

I may make another batch sans JD and add it to this to see if it comes out better.

Anyway, thanks for looking!
Looks great! Hic!.... ???    ;D "No, really officer, I HAVEN'T been drinking!  I was just over at RG's for a BBQ sandwich!"  Step out of the car, Sir...
DivotMaker said:
Looks great! Hic!.... ???    ;D "No, really officer, I HAVEN'T been drinking!  I was just over at RG's for a BBQ sandwich!"  Step out of the car, Sir...

That could very well be a true story! That sh...stuff was potent!! LOL
