Just got my #2 !


New member
Hi All.  I have never done any smoking before, but after sampling some smoked items earlier this summer, I got the bug, and wanted to get into this for myself!  Did a lot of research after first thinking of getting one of those inexpensive, round ones-  and the Smokin-It sounded like the way to go.

My #2 showed up on Tuesday, and I am psyched to get smoking!
Looking forward to getting started in our beautiful summer weather.... but nice to know it should work great in the winters up north here, also.  ;)

Welcome from ND Charlie!

You have made a great choice by getting the #2.

Where are you from? Sounds like we are both "up North" ;)

FYI, I have smoked in -20 degrees Fahrenheit without any problems. So the cold does not bother these smokers. So you can smoke year round.
Hey Charlie, I'm still waiting for my #2 and I can tell you these guys will be a big help, just glad to see a newbie newer than me.....Welcome from the south... :)
Welcome Charlie,
Have you seasoned it yet? What are you planing for your first smoke?

Any questions or problems just ask, good luck with it.

Welcome from the south land, Charlie!  Beautiful country you're from!  If you're new to smoking, I recommend spending some time around the different areas of the forum, for recipes/tips/techniques.  We're here to help, and will have you producing some stellar Q in no time flat!  You've just entered the world of "Lazy Q!"  Congrats!
Welcome, Charlie!  Lots of good advice and recipes on the forum and plenty of ideas on different meats to smoke!    Cheers
Hey Charlie. Welcome to the club. I'm definitely up north as well.

For your first smoke, try back ribs, it's an easy smoke with great results. And as a word of advise, these smokers use very little wood. For ribs, I prefer no more than 2 oz of wood. You can adjust the amount for your next smoke to your preferred amount of wood.  And if you don't have one already, pick up a digital kitchen scale, it comes in handy to weigh your meat and wood.
Yep- pretty busy- I know, hard to believe.... other things need taking care of besides smokin' and eating!  Thanks for all the hellos.
I seasoned my #2 the day after it showed up-  fun unpacking, setting up, and watching smoke appear out of the hole for the first time  :)

I actually tried some salmon first.  Came out very well, although I think I'll cut back on the amount of wood next time.  If anyone wants to chime in about Salmon- I did a brine, and let it sit out for a while the next day before smoking it.  But I couldn't tell that it ever developed the pellicle.  I also thought it was a little saltier tasting then I'd like, which I assume comes from the brining.  Anyone try smoking salmon without the brining step?  I'd be tempted to try that the next time, to see what the difference is.

But.... on to meat.  Today, I am trying my first Boston Butt.  Still at least a few hours to go I'd say- but definitely looking forward to the end result of this!  I'll let you know how it turns out.

Been great reading through information on the forums.
I'm glad it's working out for you. I also smoke salmon but dry cure not brine. You may have been in the brine too long, didn't get it rinsed completely or a combination of both. We have a pretty good fish section.
Thanks Brian.    I had it in the brine overnight, for around 9 hours, and I did rinse it pretty thoroughly.  Wasn't toooo salty, certainly edible and tasty.  Just somewhat saltier then I'd prefer.
Happily, these are fun experiments!  Looks like something of a learning curve, to find out what tastes best.