Just did my second smoke. This time with the Maverick temp device


New member
The bottom butt was 217 degrees and the top one showed 197 after 8 hours. Both weighed a little bit over 5 pounds each. I ended up putting the top one in the oven for an extra hour and a half at 300 degrees. The taste was great on the first one. I haven't tested the second yet. I usually like to bag the meat left after our meal in one pound quantities in freezer bags and put them in the freezer for those quick BBQ meals. Love the smoker and now working on dry rubs for taste. I do the usual (suger in the raw, a little onion powder, salt, pepper, peperika, and a little brown sugar). any better ideas out there?
Hi Blackwing!  I usually take butts to 195 for pulling - works great, and no need for the extra time to go over 200.  What model do you have? 

You have the basic rub down, but there are tons in the Rub section of recipes - look around and find something that sounds good!  One of my favorite "off the shelf" rubs is Famous Dave's Rib Rub, which you can get in most grocery stores, or online at Amazon.com.  No MSG, and a great blend of sweet & spicy, and great bark!

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I'm glad your happy nut, I don't understand your additional cooking. The butt was done at 197 and likely would have hit 204 if wrapped in foil and stashed in a cooler. The one that went to 217 was well beyond done.