Just did Autotune on my #2.. PID numbers seem.... Wrong.


New member
So, did the analog controller bypass.  Using a clip on probe for the Auber, set on the top rack, about 3" in from the side.

P 64
I 041
D 260

That's not a typo on the I. Seems incredibly different from others I've seen here.  Any idea what this means?

Those numbers are whacked.  Not sure what happened, but the "I" value is way off.  Make sure the box probe is at least an inch from the sidewall, and not touching the shelf.

I have a wall probe in my #2, and used these numbers, with the standalone Auber (and also now use them in the 2D conversion):

P  62
I  902
D  112

These settings have never failed me, in the 2!
Yeah, I figured they were way off.  I programmed it exactly to the instructions. Also, after it was done autotuning, it seemed to jump into another cook.  It ramped the temp up to 225 and held it rather steady, but it was running 225 for 3.5 hours when I shut it off.  Being at 225 for 3 hours or more was nowhere in the program I was running.
Aaron, if you programmed it per the instructions, step 2 has it going to 225 for 2 hours.  But, after the AT completes (no longer flashing between AT and temp), there's no need to go any farther.  If you want to re-do it, just set step one to 225 for 3 hours and turn on the AT again.  Or, try the numbers I gave you and see how they work.
Ran another Autotune.  P and D stayed the same.  I went to 600. Seems to be all good now.  Can't wait for the next smoke.  Will most likely be bacon next Friday evening.

Thanks for the input Tony!
Oh.. Also... Any good reason why I wouldn't be able to make this clip on box probe a permanent probe?  It's a split screw type connection holding the clip on.  It's essentially the same as the permanent probe, but with metal connection instead of nylon.
Aaron, the nylon base, on the wall probe, is critical to proper function.  If you attach the probe to the wall with metal, you get a heat sink error, introduced by the metal wall.  The wall mount probe is really well-worth the money, and it removes ALL errors caused by probe placement.