Just Curious what grade of meat are you using , and .........


New member
Hey guy's I am very seriously thinking of going with a Brisket for my next Smoke and was................... wondering what Grade of Beef,  or meat , you are using for your cook , USDA , Select , or below , and has anyone ever tried a Tri Tip , or London Broil , and if so............... what is your overall  opinion , cook time , tenderness , taste ,etc , etc ? 
Ginger, IMO, Tri Tip and London Broil are not really suited for the smoker.  They are so lean that serving internal temps are typically rare to medium rare.  That seems to be achieved better on the grill but again, that's just my opinion. 
SuperDave said:
Ginger, IMO, Tri Tip and London Broil are not really suited for the smoker.  They are so lean that serving internal temps are typically rare to medium rare.  That seems to be achieved better on the grill but again, that's just my opinion.
Thank you Dave for your reply because it never hurts to ask which might stand to reason why ..............I never read much ( or anything ) about a Tri Tip or London Broil being cooked up on this forum , and once again do you have any opinions on any grade of meat ( suggestion ) for a Brisket .
Brisket, by definition, is shoe sole beef.  Short of buying something expensive like waygu beef, I buy from the Winco, Smart & Final, Cash & Carry or Costco/Sam's type stores for all my meat. 
I disagree about the tri-tip - works great in these smokers.  Use the low-temp method I use for prime rib, smoke to about 128-130 (depending on medium-rare to medium), and reverse-sear on the grill.  Tender and juicy!

As for grades of beef:  Select briskets are fine, if prepped right.  I brine briskets, and inject, so even a cheap select cut is good.  I've smoked Choice and Prime briskies, and can't tell much difference.  You see the difference much more in something that is not cooked to such a high internal temp, like rib or sirloin tip roasts.  If smoked right, you won't tell much difference between Choice and Prime - except in the weight of your wallet!
I just think a grilled tri-tip tastes better than a smoked one.  A grilled hamburger tastes better to me than a smoked one.  Everyone's personal taste is different. 
SuperDave said:
I just think a grilled tri-tip tastes better than a smoked one.  A grilled hamburger tastes better to me than a smoked one.  Everyone's personal taste is different.

You're right, Dave!  That's why there are "no wrong answers" around here! :D  Now, tri-tip steaks, that I get in the big pack from Sam's?  Definitely on the grill!  Only a whole tri-tip roast will find its way into the smoker.
Sam's membership is worth it just for the meat department. That is where I get most of my meat, along with Costco.
My local Sam's gets the vast majority of my meat money!  The selection is great, as is the quality.  Every bit as good as I've gotten from any of the local butchers, and lots more affordable! ;)