John Henry Pecan Rub


New member
I read in this form some time ago about “John Henry Pecan Rub”, so of course I ordered some and last night I did some meaty pork short ribs on my 18” Weber kettle with a chunk of apple wood on the coals. It was my first time using this rub so I gave my ribs plenty and added some “Montreal Steak Seasoning” to top it off. Pulled @ IT 145. The flavor was something I didn’t expect, the end result is nothing short of delicious. I highly recommend this rub; I plan on doing some experimenting on a Brisket on my SI #1. I was compelled to share.
If you like this you will love his wild cherry chipotle rub. It is really good on pork or just by the spoon full. Yes, have eaten it right out of the bottle. I have both was able to find locally at K.C. BBQ store.